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Jimin: "WHAT?!"

Y/n: "What's going on, tell me."

Jimin: "I..."

I was lost for words.

She knew...

Can I trust her..?


How can anyone care a bit about me?

Don't fall for the trap.

Y/n: "Why can't you trust me? Because no-one you know cares about you? Well, Jimin, I do. I'll help you so just tell me what's going on."

Jimin: ..."I'm going."

I got up but she grabbed my wrist and I pushed it away harshly.

Jimin: "Can't you just leave me alone?! I know you don't care one bit about me and I'm going through enough as it is!"


Jimin: "I'm going." ~ I muttered before walking off

I reached home and I heard my dad calling me but I ignored him and carried on walking until he yanked my hair back harshly.

Jimin: "ARGH! LET ME GO!!"

Dad: "...Talking back now?! Don't you have any respect for your father?!"

Jimin: "What kind of father beats his son up everyday?! I mean I can barely do anything let alone being passed out most of my damn life!!"

He snatched my backpack of me and threw it on the ground, then punched me in the face.

This time I didn't fall over.

I was too angry at him.

At blackpink.

At my whole life.

I threw a punch at him then he pushed me over harshly and I fell to the ground.

That's the thing though.

I was too weak.

I could barely afford to eat anything and I was way too underweight.

He pinned my arms to the ground and yelled, "You're gonna pay for talking back!!"

With that he kept punching me until I passed out.

I opened my eyes groaning in pain and I sat up slowly.

It happened again...

Is this all my life is?

I want this to stop...

I want it to end...

I checked the time and it was only 6 so I dragged myself upstairs and took a shower then put on some clothes and concealer to cover up my bruises.

I might as well go to school early...

I walked out of the house and walked to school and to my surprise I saw blackpink.

... Since when did they come to school early..?

Jisoo: "Hey Chim."

They all snickered and I ignored them and carried on walking.

I walked up to the rooftop and sat down on the ground.

... Should I just end it..?

I can't stand this life anymore.

What's the point in living... No-one cares about me...

Not even one person...

But I'm in school.

Oh wait.

As if anyone would care.

No-one would miss me at all.

I got out a small knife that I keep in my bag and held it to my wrist.

...Am I really doing this..?

I'm just pathetic to end it this way...

But that's me.

I am pathetic and I have a pathetic life.

It's not as if everything will change.

I'm ending this...

Once and for all.

Gone soft for the quiet boyWhere stories live. Discover now