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The police finally came and took my dad away.

Police: "Is there anyone else involved with this?"

Tae: "Yes, they ran away though. But we know who they are."

The policeman signalled for Tae to come over and he did and they went to the side and started talking.

Another policeman came up to me and asked, "How long has this gone on for?"

Jimin: "...A couple of years... It got worse over time..."

Police: "Okay do you have a mother?"

Jimin: "Yes... She's not involved in this... She just never did anything."

Police: "Is it okay if we go and see her then?"

Jimin: "Umm could I speak to her first? I want to know the reason."

Police: "As long as you go with someone you're okay."

Jimin: "Okay.. Could I go now?"

Police: "Go ahead."

He walked off and I turned to look at Y/n who was looking at me teary eyed.

Jimin: "What's... Why are you crying?"

I wiped her tears off and looked into her eyes.

Y/n: "This has been going on for a couple of years?"

Jimin: "...yeah..."

She looked at me with painful eyes and it made my heart clench.

I pecked her forehead then said, "Thanks for helping me Y/n... Things would still be the same if it weren't for you..."

Y/n: "...It's... Okay.. Are you gonna talk your mum now then?"

Jimin: "Yeah, can you come with? They said someone needs to come with me."

She nodded and I smiled slightly and leaned back, intertwining my hands with hers before walking to my house.


We walked in the house and walked in the living room.

We saw my mum cooking in the kitchen.

Jimin: "Stay here" ~I whispered to Y/n before walking over to my mum

Jimin: "...Mum..."

She froze and I sighed and said, "Dad's been taken in by the police..."

She turned around straight away wide eyed and yelled, "What?!"

Jimin: "Yeah...Mum...why did you never do anything?"

Mum: ...

I held her hands in mine and said, "You can tell me, mum."

She slowly looked up to meet my eyes and asked, "Aren't you mad at me?"

Jimin: "I just want to know the reason."

Mum: "...Your dad is a very dangerous man..."

Jimin: "I know."

I frowned then she said, "I was arranged marriage with him 20 years ago... And no-one knew what he really was like. A drunkard, violent, threatening... I couldn't do anything because I was threatened and beaten up too..."

Jimin: "...He's gone now, though. Right? Can we just forget about all of this and live happily with each other? "

Mum: "... What? You're not mad at me? I wa so pathetic..."

Jimin: "So was I. I never had the will do anything..."

I turned around but Y/n wasn't there.

She must have gone in another room to give us some space..

I turned back around and said, "Someone from school opened up to me... And they helped me. Her name's Y/n."

I turned around and called her to come, and seconds later she was walking over to us.

I put my arm around her shoulder and smiled at her, then turned to my mum and said, "If it weren't for her... I probably would've been gone... Did dad tell you..?

Mum: "...I heard... "

Jimin: "It won't ever happen again. Let's live happily from now on, shall we?"

She smiled then said, "You two go off then, we'll catch up more later."

Jimin: "...Are you sure?"

Mum: "Yes, now go."

I smiled and walked out with Y/n then I asked, "Where should we go?"

Y/n: Let's give Tae a break, let's go to mine."

I nodded and smiled, and she smiled back, then we walked off to her house.


We reached my house and we went upstairs to my room.

Jimin collapsed on the bed, and rolled over yawning.

You laughed and jumped on the bed next to him and wrapped your arm around him, and he did the same with you, looking into your eyes.

Jimin: "We're alone right?" ~he asked with a smirk

Y/n: "Uhh what are you thinking?"

He pinned you to the bed and hovered on top of you, his face only an inch away from yours.

Jimin: "What am I thinking?"

Y/n: ...

He laughed and got off you, and pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arm around your waist.

You looked into each others eyes and smiled.

Jimin: "Thank you so much for everything, Y/n. You really turned my miserable life around."

You smiled and pecked his lips, then he pulled you closer and kissed you softly but passionately.

He leaned back and you both smiled.

Everything was perfect now...

Jimin's dad and blackpink sorted out..

Tae and Jungkook were fine too..

We were all happy now.

And nothing could break this strong connection between us.

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