We Quit!!!!

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Author's POV
In a world full of angels, demons and humans there has to be peace. Demons are known for being evil or the villains while angels are known for good or the heroes. Let's watch as the top Demon Corp. owners find out not all angels are good.

Flug's Pov
Hey my name is Mason Flugslys. I have an older brother and a younger sister. They're Mark Slugslys and Maria Plugslys. We work for the three most known demons who happen to be triplets. Whitehat the oldest, Blackhat the middle child and Grayhat the youngest. I'm a triplet too with my siblings. Mark is the oldest, I'm the middle and Maria is youngest. We never told the hats we're sibling nor if we're human or demon. They never thought we're angels since they don't like doing anything close to bad or evil. Which we're evil scientists that crosses our angel. Right now we're getting yelled at for not meeting the deadline set for us and it's impossible since they want us to work on three different things at once, while having it all ready plus working with no bugs in a week. We normally just don't say anything and let them rant but one thing they said ticked us off. Good thing the park we're in is empty or else we were screwed.

"You useless humans! I wonder how your parents were ever proud of you?" Blackhat started. "I know! What parent would want a useless people like them" Whitehat continued. "I bet your they hated you all. Maybe that's why you hide your faces. To ashamed to show you guys ugly mug"Grayhat finished. That is what set us off into a flurry of rage. We snapped not forgetting one certain detail as to why we try not to get mad often. We screamed, cried, cursed and full blown tore a new one for them. We didn't notice that they had looks of amazement and confusion on their faces. When we finally calmed down enough to breathe I saw Blackhat looking at me with wide eyes. 'I know I never fight back but why is he on the floor?' I then remember that little detail from before. I look at my siblings to see that I am right. We transformed! 'Shit!'

As you probably guessed we're not normal

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As you probably guessed we're not normal. As there are Angels and Demons coexisting with humans there has to be a small percentage of mix breeds. Well thats what my siblings and I are. We're half demon, half angel hybrids. Mark or Dr.Slug has deep gray horns on the sides of his head, black angel wings, a golden halo, black skulls in his red eyes, a black spiral mark on his cheek, the white part of his eyes turned black and a white-n-gray tail. What he normally looks like is short black hair, blood red eyes and light tan skin. Maria or Dr.Plug has golden horns on the sides of her head, deep gray angel wings, spiral like marks in her different colored eyes, golden halo, white-n-red tail and a black heart mark on her cheek. What she normally looks like is long red hair that fades into black with natural blonde streaks here and there, light tan skin, and two different colored eyes. They happen to be right eye is red while her left one is blue. Her spiral marks are the same color as her eyes just in the blue eye is the red one and in the red eye is the blue one. Now finally me. I have red angel wings, red horns on the sides of my head, black hearts with a red line through it in my blue eyes, golden halo, black skull mark on my cheek and gold-n-white tail. What I normally look like is that I have ginger blond hair. Basically it starts red and fades to blond. Bright blue eyes and light tan skin. Maria and Mark notice the problem now and we quickly hide our inhuman features just incase people pass by. They open their mouths to say something but we give them 'We'll explain soon but if you ask a single question you're not gonna like me' look. That shut them up as we headed home.

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