chapter 3

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When they all walk into Lena's lab they saw 2 big tanks of water and Lena typing on her computer. When Ivan saw the water was clear her eyes widened and said "It working" and then ran to her friend. Hearing Ivan Lena jumps up from her seat and said "don't do that and yes is working."

"What is working," said, Alex? "The ocean water purifier," said Ivan with a smile. "What" yells Alex, Lucy, and Winn as all 3 run to Lena's computer. "This is amazing," said Alex in awe along with Lucy and Winn. As they saw the video evidence with Ivan and the test. "These will help water pollution," said Alex with admiration. "Thank you," said Lena with a blush. "So not to be rude but who are you 3," said, Lena.

"At that Alex got up and said "sorry am agent Alex Danvers and these are major Lucy Lane and that Winn Scott." Hearing Alex's full name Lena smiles and said "so you are Kara's sister," said, Lena. "Yes, I am," said, Alex. At that moment Faith walk into the room and said to Lena "your sister wants you to call her."   Lena could only groin and said, "excuse me I have to call my older sister."

"I thought Lena was the only Luther around," said Winn with a confused look. "She is," said Faith with a smile looking at her friend. "Sam was adopted by Lena's mom," said Ivan as she looked at Lena with a smirk then turns to Faith and said, "how much do you want to bet Sam is telling her that she is coming along with us."   "No way for I know she will want to go to protect Lee for she is still mad about what happened yesterday," said Faith. Winn, Alex, and Lucy were all looking at them with curiosity.

"So Lena's sister is very protective of her," said Lucy looking at Ivan. Ivan just looks at Lucy with an Amusement look and said "Yes very protective."  "Find Sam" yells Lena on the phone. Lena hangs up the phone and walks back to the others and said "Sam going with us" with frustration in her voice. "Ivan, Faith why don't you 2 go get the car ready I am going to clean up here" then she turns to Alex and said "are you 3 going with us, or are following us" as she takes off her lab coat and turning off her computer.

Ivan is the only one that left to get the car faith, on the other hand, she was helping Lena by getting her jacket and purse. "I told you to go with Ivan," said Lena putting her Jacket on. "There was no need for both of us to go, Lee," said Faith. Lena can only smile as she shakes her head. "Come on you 3," said, Lena. As all 5 got out of Luther Corp Sam was waiting outside with a car when Sam saw her sister she smile and went up to her sister and hug her but when she saw Alex and the rest she give them a  suspicious look.

When they all made it to Lena Warehouse outside of National City Alex, Winn, and Lucy were stopped by going in by a flying disc. Lena got in front of Alex and said "Stop shut down" with that the flying disc turned around and left. "What was that," said, Lucy? "Oh, I invented it is like a security guard they have sleeping darts that they shoot to anyone that is not allowed here," said Sam.

"That's amazing," said Winn in awe. They got into the building they saw 2  large containers. "Agent Danvers can you come over here," said Lena from the front of one of the containers. "My, I have one of your hands," said Lena as she started typing in the scanner. "What are you doing," said, Lucy?  "I am removing my DNA from the scanner and am putting Agent Danvers so only she can open them so can you put your hand on the scanner now agent Danvers," said, Lena. "You are only going to feel a pinch," said Sam as she put Alex's hand on the scanner.

As the scanner turned green, there was a loud explosion. "What the hell is that" yelled, Lucy? Lena turns to Sam she saw that she was already looking at a panel. "It's Hank Henshaw's" hiss, out Sam, with anger. Lena at hearing these pushed a button on her wristwatch and began turning on the security system. "How did they find these places"  yell Sam in anger?

Sam got angry and got in front of Lucy's face and said "how the hell did you tell them about what you were doing here." Lena seeing these put her hand at Sam and said "Stop we do not need to fight each other what we need is to stop Hank Henshaw from getting the Kryptonite so he won't hurt Superman or Supergirl." "Lee is right," said Faith.

"What can of weapons do you have here," said, Lucy.  Sam look at Ivan and nod. "Follow us," said, Ivan. Lena looks at her sister with confusion.  "What have you done" said, Lena?   "We knew having those things here was dangerous so we set up some toys," said Sam with a smirk. Lena only widens her eyes and then smirks and said "this is going to be fun."   "Hank Henshaw is going down for good with you 2 fighting," said Faith with a smirk. Alex, Lucy, and Winn look at each other and think that they are crazy.

They changed their minds when they saw what Sam was talking about. "Wow," said Alex getting a gun and looking over it. "If you wanted it is yours," said, Sam. "What for real," said Alex with shock.   "Yes, it's yours but first, you will have to be ready for the can of power," said Sam. "What do you mean," said Alex for to her the gun was too small to do any can damage. Sam just smile and got a similar gun and shoot the wall in front of her as she did that Lena and the others got down for cover. When Lena saw it was only her sister she got up and yell "you are so fixing the wall" as she helped Lucy up. "Sorry," yell Sam with a sheepish look.

When an explosion shook the walls Lena got made and said "Ok, that's it those idiots are going down."  Well, she was murmuring about idiots she was typing in the computer near that when she was done hundreds of flying balls came flying in the air. Now we will know how many enemies are outside.

  Then Lena got to the nearby suits and start putting them on. Winn at seeing these turn bright red. "I suggest you all put on the suits" Lena order them. At hearing Lena's voice Sam, Faith and Ivan started to put their suits on. Lena turns to Alex and the rest and said "what are you 3 doing why aren't you putting a suit on."  Lena takes 3 suits and gives them to Alex, Lucy, and Winn as she does that she takes 3 gun and hand them to them along with 3 bracelet. What are these bracelets for said Winn?   "These are force fields they will stop bullets in alien guns from hurting you," said Ivan to them.

Ivan, Faith I want you to show them how to use the suits, Sam and I will handle Hank Henshaw and handle his people until these 3 are ready" said, Lena. "I can monitor all of you from here so you don't have to show me," said, Winn. "Ok here," said Lena giving him an earpiece to everyone. Then She left going throw the window.

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