chapter 48

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"Yes of course I love her" yell Alex.


Lena found Sam with Thea and Caitlin in the backyard talking about Hope Enterprise. "Wow, so you and Lena did all that when you were kids," said Thea in awe. "Can someone tell me why almost everyone is in shock that I and Sam here are owners of Hope Enterprise?" said Lena seating down with her arms crossed and pouting?

"Because you were so young when you started the company," said Diana seating down with Faith by her side.   "It was mine and Sam's dream to start our own company it was hard at first long hours when we thought we will never make our dream come true but we never give up," said Lena looking at Sam with a smile.   "Lena is right we have always dreamed to make inventions to help the earth heal not to destroy it," said Sam smiling at her sister. "And that is why I fell in love with you," said, Alex.

"Alex are you here to tell me you can't be with me," said Sam with tears.   "What no my love am here to tell you to please forgive me I had no right to get mad Sam," said Alex getting to her knees "please forgive, Sam," said Alex in tears.   "I forgive you," said Sam with tears as she got up and pull Alex to her feet and hug her.

"Thank you, Roe," said Lena and got close to Diana and put her head on her shoulder, and close her eyes and in no time she was asleep. "Wow," said Faith with a smile and said "you are the first person she has done that in an awed voice. "Done what?" said Diana putting a hand over Lena and pulling her close to her.    "Seek out conferred that is not Lara," said Faith with happy tears.

"But I have seen her hug Sarah, Sam Thea, you, and Caitlin," said, Diana.   "Yes, you have but have you seen her hug anyone when she is sad or when she has cried," said Faith.   "Sarah once but when she saw Lara she ran to her and cry," said, Diana. "Exactly ever since Lena was kidnaped she never let anyone close to her confer with her when she is sad or when she cries the only one she lets in or Lora, and mom," said Sam seating down.

At that moment Sarah and the others came outside as they saw Lena asleep in Diana's arm Sarah, Alura and Lara tear up with happy tears.  Lara just wants to Lena  pick her up and said  "I will take her to her room it has been a long day for her."  At that Alex flinched and put her head down in shame.

"It's ok Alex we forgive you said, Sarah. When she said that Sarah got up and walk to Diana and pull her out of her seat and hug her and whisper "thank you for making my baby girl feel safe."

When she let go of Diana Sarah turn to Sam and said "your uncle will be going to L corp and the garden for 3 months to help you clean the company."    "Ok mom I will let Jess know," said Sam with a smile. Everyone heard a grown and bam they turn as they saw Lucas hitting his head on the table. "Is there a problem little brother?" said Sarah with a smirk?   "Nope, there there is no problem said Lucas with a scared look. The others at the table just laugh at him.

4 months later in National City

Lena, Sam, and Lucas were in front of Natural City news. "Lady's and gentlemen as most of you know I have been Hope Enterprise CEO for the past 8 years but what you don't know is that it was just a temporary position for I never have been the owner of Hope Enterprise that is true owners are my nieces, Lena and Sam O'Connor."   At that everyone started to yell. "Quiet if you want me to answer your questions" yelled Lucas. Everyone was quite down at that. "You on the right," said, Lucas. "Am Helen from national news why tell the world now."   "Because Lena and Sam are taking over their true place in their own company," said Lucas looking at his nieces with a proud look.

"You on the lift," said Lucas.    "Jacob Gotham news what is going to happen to L Corp."   "Lena do you want to do the honor and tell them," said, Lucas. "Of course, uncle," said Lena as she stepped up in front of the microphone and said "as all you know I became the CEO of L Corp be it was never my idea to keep it for long for I never wanted anything to do with the Luther's so I was going to sell it but my sister told my why not just keep it and give it it's the true name and make it our headquarters here in National City so that what we have been doing" with a smile as she looked up as she did Supergirl fly to uncover the new name.

When she did that the news people got crazy taking photos especially when Supergirl landed next to Lena and said "I came here to thank you, Miss O'Connor, for everything you have done for National City and helping take down Cadmus for good" said Supergirl with a smile.   'You are not the only one who wants to thank her Supergirl" said Nightshade as she landed with lightning, a meteor, and Superwoman. "We are here to let all of you know that we stand with Miss O'Connor for if it was not for her we would not be standing here with all of you," said Superwoman. "It's true we almost lost her saving us from Cadmus," said the meteor. With that, the superheroes fly away after giving Lena and Sam a hug.

"Miss O'Connor what is your relationship to the Supers" yelled one of the reporters. "They are my friends," said Lena with a smile. "Ok, that will be all," said Lucas living with Sam and Lena.

When the 3 were back inside Hope Enterprise Lena want strat to Faith, Kara, Alura, and Lara and hug all 4 of them, and said "thank you for your support but why do it now in front of the reporters."  "Because little one we want the world to know that we stand with you and we won't let anyone hurt you," said, Lara. At that moment Jess ran to Lena's side and said "they need you at the Guardian the little girl just woke up and won't let anyone near her" with a worried voice. Lena turned to the others and said "are you coming."

"Yes, we are," said Alura with a smile. "I will take Sam with me said, Lara. "I will take Lena," said, Kara. As they made it to the Garden Lena saw Jane. "It's good you are all here maybe one of you can help us with the little one so we can see how she is doing," said Jane. As everyone made it to the room Lena stopped as she turns to the girl and said "Aaliyah" with wide eyes.

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