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Thomas sat outside watching the snow as the bright full moon shined made it glisten. It was nearly midnight and the new year was about to begin. Everyone else were inside dancing and drinking about, well except for who had retired to his office with . Thomas didn't understand why they didn't confess their love to each other. It was so bloody obvious it often made Thomas ill.

"Mind if I join you," a voice came from his side. Thomas looked over and smiled then scooted over so Jimmy could sit next to him. Jimmy smiled and took the seat. They sat in silence for a short while.

"The moon," Jimmy began, "it's bright as a light bulb."

Thomas laughed then nodded. Jimmy smiled pleased with the reaction.

"Its beautiful," Thomas answered.

The silence came back and grew a little awkward.

"T..Thank you," Jimmy said. Thomas looked over confused.

"For being there for me when I needed you. Thank you for finding me and...and loving me."

Thomas blushed and looked down.

"I mean it. My life has been so lonely that I've never been able to confide in anyone but Andrew. Even my parents I couldn't trust."

Thomas looked up and took Jimmy's hand.

"I'll always be here," Thomas said.

Jimmy smiled slightly, but he had an unconvincing look.

"You say that now, but things happen, and it can happen in such a short amount of time. How can you promise when you don't know about tomorrow or the next day or next week or even next year?"

Thomas smiled as he truly understood. Jimmy didn't want to love Thomas because he didn't want to loose him.

"Because I know tomorrow I'll be here and next week and next year, I'll be here. I now have something to live for so I won't give up on it for any reason. One day it will be my time to leave but I'm not going to leave until I have lived...and ...I want to live with you, Jimmy Kent."

Jimmy looked up and smiled a real genuine smile.

To think, that smile is for me and me alone.

Thomas pulled out his pocket watch and looked at the time. The minute hand had just landed upon the twelve. It was midnight, January 1st 1921.

He looked back up at Jimmy and cupped his face.

"Happy new year, Jimmy," Thomas said as he leaned in.

Jimmy smiled and placed his hand on Thomas's cheek and leaned in as well.

"Happy New Year, Thomas," he said and sealed in their words with a slow passionate kiss. Though they were sitting in below freezing weather, they felt warm. Jimmy moved his hands to Thomas's chest as he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into Thomas's welcoming mouth.

"We...," Thomas said panting as he pulled away, "We should get inside and warm up before we catch out death."

Jimmy smiled deviously and Thomas thought nothing could be more erotic.

"I've got the perfect method for warming up," Jimmy said and took Thomas's hand. Thomas stood up as he was lead back into the house.

It was midnight, January 1st, 1921 and Thomas Barrow was in love.

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