Chapter 11

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"It is the unfortunate truth of my world that a woman is not meant to be so powerful. There have been female Pharaohs before me, but their power was not trusted nor was it observed. They served merely as stand-ins with no real power. For hundreds of years, my people have been led by men, and it is difficult for them to see a woman in a position of power. If I wish to be a true Pharaoh, I must look like a man. It is not that they believe me to be a man, but it is a trick. They can allow themselves to believe I am meant to be Pharaoh if I look the part. Do you understand?"

Ava, who had been listening very intently, nodded. "So, it's a power move? You are respecting the traditions and beliefs of your people in order to reassure them, not to be someone you are not."

Hatshepsut took Ava's hand in her own, smiling with pride. "Yes, that is correct. Some, like Adom, think women should not be so powerful, and he thinks I will destroy Egypt, but I aim to prove him wrong."

"You already have proved him wrong though, haven't you? I mean, I think Adom is the type of man who believes a woman should've gotten as far as you have but look at you! You're King of Egypt! I think that's incredible," Ava exclaimed, excited for Hatshepsut and proud of the things she had accomplished and would continue to accomplish in her lifetime.

Viv laughed at Ava's excitement, "By gods, I think she has got it!"

A deep drumbeat began to resonate throughout the royal complex, smothering the silence and bringing Hatshepsut to her feet. "That is a call I must answer. It was a great delight meeting you, sister. I wish you well on your journey. Vivlio, a pleasure as always." With a graceful nod, Hatshepsut swept out of the courtyard to answer the call of the drums.

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