it's my fault...

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"It's been two hours Curtis.... she's not gonna wake up!"

"I don't give a shit! I'm helpin her and that's that."

"Fine. Not my problem if the kid turns."

"Fuck you. Jerkass bitch."

Curtis glared at the other man, just wanting to punch him in the face. It had been, in fact, two hours, and there was still no sign of life from Clementine. Nathan had just about enough of it, readying his pistol in case she did turn. "I ain't standin around, waiting for this kid to tear off ma fuckin head. Get it into yer head Curtis! She's gonna turn, just ya wait and see." -POW- Something snapped inside of Curtis, and he lashed out at Nathan, knocking him to the floor. Nathan groaned, putting his hand to his nose. "Y-you fucker..." Curtis just stood, staring at him. "I said I'm helpin her.... now get the fuck out." Nathan growled, getting onto his feet. He glared at Curtis and walked out the door. "It's gonna be okay kid... it's gonna be okay..." he sat by Clementine's side, hoping she would wake up at any time. His eyes fell heavily, and his head tilted slightly to the side. Shaking his head, Curtis tried his best to stay awake for as long as he could. Checking the time, Curtis sighed. "Goddammit... it really is gettin late.. I could use a nap..." he hesitated, "no. What if she wakes up...? Nah. I need some rest..." Closing his eyes, he fell asleep.

~An hour later~

"Yo! Curtis? You there?" Silence. William sighed, walking up the stairs. "Yoo hoo! Ya here or what?" He tried to keep a straight face, and entered the bedroom only to be greeted by a sleeping Curtis. "Ya bloody idiot. Can't stay awake for anything can ya." He smirked. A groan came from Clementine, and made William jump. "What the... Curtis!!" Curtis awoke with a fright, frantically looking around the room. "H-huh?!" "I think she's awake... I don't know.." the young girl stirred slightly, before opening her eyes. "Ah shit..." She sat up slowly, and flinched at the brightness of the light and the pain from her gun wound. "W-where... am I?" Curtis smiled. "I found ya... in ta forest. You were shot... so I saved you. You've been out cold for three hours straight." Clementine looked curiously at him, a questioning look in her eyes. "I'm Curtis, and this here's William. What's your name?" "Clementine... I don't remember being in a forest..." William raised an eyebrow at the girl. "Ya don't remember? I mean... c'mon kid. You were shot. Did you do it to yourself or what?" Clementine froze; flashbacks of every event played in her head. She became depressed because of it... A.J.. oh God... She was the reason he died... or was she? Tears came to the young girl's eyes. "I... I did it..." "but why? What made you do it?" Curtis calmly asked, not wanting to scare the girl. "Everyone I know is dead...because of me..."

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