Is this the end?

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"Cross your heart and say you've never given up

That you carried on when every door was shut

That you live, you live with no regret.

We wear a smile to hide that we've been hurt before

Keep our disasters in a suitcase by the door

Cause you know, you know we're only human..."

Clementine lay in a puddle of her own blood, coughing and sputtering. Shaking as the cold surrounded the young girl. She tried to cry out for help... but no words came out. Everyone was gone... She felt like it was her fault. Tears came to Clementine's eyes; she felt like death was upon her. This was it, the end of the dark road. "I'm sorry... Everyone..." She managed to say, as her eyes slowly closed, her life fading in and out. Darkness kept surrounding her, and she couldn't control it. Breathing in, breathing out, her last dying breaths. And then... silence. Clementine's body fell limp. Time froze. Darkness surrounded her completely now. Walkers were close by, and in any moment, Clementine would become one too. She did this, she wanted this. The pain. The guilt. The loneliness. It was all too much for the eleven year old to handle. Now, it was ending... every bit of it... Shooting herself was the best option she had at the time. But regret came too late...

"I'm sorry... But I have to do it..."


And off went the trigger.

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