The crush part 2

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"It's gonna be fine..."

"I know it ain't."

"You don't know anythin."

"Course I do!"

William stood in front of Curtis, his arms folded. "Dude. C'mon." Shaking his head, Curtis frowned at the other man. "You better not say anything, I swear!" A smirk crept across William's face. "Oh don't worry, I won't." He chuckled quietly, and walking away, he said, "I still think they'd like to know!" Curtis sighed; it was obvious William couldn't keep things to himself. It always caused trouble for the group. "Why'd I say anything to him..?" Still, hopefully William hadn't said anything YET. It was too soon for everyone to hear everything that had been discussed between the two.. 'men'....

"Oh,CLEMENTINE!!!" William's shouts echoed throughout the house, and Clem mumbled under her breath in irritation. "What...?" She sighed, rubbing her head. "Its too early for this... can't it wait?" William smirked to himself. "Nope. Never too early for a group meeting!" Group meeting? What was going on? Questions were racing through Clementine's mind at full speed. "What are you shoutin about?!" Nathan glared at Will, clearly unimpressed by the obvious short notice. "Oh... you ain't part of this. Sorry." He just shook his head and went back upstairs. "Dumbass.." Clementine frowned and looked at William. "Go on into the kitchen." She did so, and bumped into Curtis on the way. "Oh, hey Clem." "Hey." She sat down on one of the chairs, and Curtis sat opposite her. Andrea was the next to enter. She sat beside Curtis and smiled at the two. William came in last. "A'right. I know this wasn't discussed or planned or whatever. But... me and Curt, we were talking about something earlier. Something I thought you'd like to know. Ain't that right, Curtis?" Curtis cleared his throat, looking at everyone. "Um... yeah... this isn't gonna be easy to talk about..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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