The cabin group part 1

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"I was on my own after everything... At eleven years old, I pretty much knew how to survive. One day, however, I was with my friend Christa, and we were sitting by a fire. She... lost her baby... so she didn't talk much to me. The fire was looking weak, so Christa went to look for more wood to burn, so I tended to it until she got back. After a couple minutes of silence, I heard voices in the distance. It scared me a little, so I went to see what it was. A group of men had Christa surrounded. They were shouting at her, asking if she was by herself. One of the men noticed me, so Christa told me to run, I did so. He chased me, calling me names, threatening me. I hid, but he found me and grabbed me. I bit his thumb until it bled, and he let go of me. I started to run again, this time running into walkers. One tried to get me, so I fought it off and it gave up, going for the man. It didn't end well for him. More came, I backed away slowly, stumbling backwards and falling into the river. I landed on shore, calling out for Christa. No reply came, and I was on my own. I walked, until I came across a stray dog. He seemed vicious at first, but I showed him I was harmless, and he wagged his tail. All of a sudden he barked, and ran. I followed after him, he had lead me to an abandoned camp. My stomach growled, so I decided to look for food. After searching, I found a can of something in a bin, so I prayed to God that it was edible. It was, and I was happy. I started to open it and eat it, Sam started to beg. I tried to feed him, but he knocked the can out of my hand. I picked it up and told him off, so he attacked me, latching his teeth onto my arm. I punched him a couple of times, then kicked him, hard. When I looked over, he was trapped. Feeling guilty, I put the poor animal out of his misery. I walked away, my arm in pain. Leaning against a rock, feeling dizzy, and walkers came. I tried to get up and run, until out of nowhere, an arrow flew and hit the walker. A young man picked me up, along with an older man, and we got away. Afterwards, he asked my name. I told him and he said his name was Luke. The other man was called Pete. Luke offered to bring me back to his group, but when he saw the dog bite, he dropped me. He accused me of being bitten by a walker, so I argued back that it was a dog bite. They didn't believe me, so they offered that their doctor should look at it. After a couple of seconds, I blacked out..."

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