Chapter 4

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I had had my luggage and was standing in front of my plane ride, they had announced that it was time for everyone to get on board, I look behind me and see my parents and friends waving goodbye as I gave the women my plane ticket, but right as I was about to step in someone hugged me from behind "I'm gonna miss you [y/n]"

"I'm gonna miss you too Shouta" he let go and I got on board, I sat on my seat and laid my head back, after about twenty minutes we took off, I looked out the window and see the airport become small, it was nice but a sad biter ending

But maybe one day I'll come back, unexpectedly of course

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

I looked at my phone and see the location of where the Hero base, once I found it I was met with a women in a fancy suit "you must be [y/n] [l/n], it's a pleasure to meet you" I bowed down

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well- um sorry I didn't catch your name"

"It's Diana Smith, and we don't usually bow, we shake hands"

"Oh, sorry" I shook her hand and we walked inside, it was huge, and nice

"So this is where you'll be working, we heard that you have the potential of being our new number one hero, and it's an honor to meet you"

"O-oh, thank you" we walked around and I was standing in front of a huge door

"This is your office slash room, when you walk in you will have a desk with a nice view of our city, computer, an assistant"

"Who's my assistant"

"Me of course, and when you walk through here this is practically your house, this is the living room, the kitchen is right there, your room and there is a bathroom, and extra spare room for entertainment or anything, and a walk in closet"

"This is super nice, I mean, look, it's unbelievable" I said

"Well I'm glad you like it, I'll be on my way, if you need anything just call me" she waved goodbye and I walked into my room, it was big, and the best thing is they already provided me with furniture, and there is free WiFi!

I started FaceTime with the group and they all answered "guys guess what"

"What" they all said

"Look!" I gave them a detour of the house and they where surprised at how nice it was "I know it's awesome, and I have an assistant, that's crazy"

"Your so lucky, I wish I was you"

"[y/n], we need to talk about your schedule" I see Diana walk in with papers

"I'll be there" she nods and shuts the door "sorry guys but I gotta go, I'll talk to you guys later" I hung up and walked out to my office

"So we need to talk about how your schedule will go, are you more of a night hero or a day hero"

"I'm more of a day hero"

"Okay, but remember if anything happens during the night and they need you, you have to be prepared and alert, okay"

"Don't worry" after some more questions and setting up things I was able to do my own thing, I went to my bed and curled into a ball, and binged watch Netflix until passing out

~~~~Time Skip Next Day~~~~

I was on top of a building looking out and patrolling the city making sure nothing sketchy is up, but it was pretty peaceful, I just sat down with the pigeons "so how long have you've lived here" I said to the bird, he just cooed at me "your pretty chill, imma name you biscuit, your my new friend" and just like that he flew away "screw you too!"

I just laid back closing my eyes, until I heard a crash and scream, I quickly look down and see a rhino dude terrorizing everyone, he had a little girl hostage

I jumped down and swung my leg to get momentum and smashed his head, I made sure the little girl wasn't harmed "hey you okay?"

"Y-yeah" I had my feet on the guys head

"Move and I'll blow your brains out" he just froze "okay we'll go to your mommy okay" I put her down and she ran into her moms arms

People cheered for me and news reporters came and swarmed around me like bees, asking me questions from left to right, as to who I am

And from that day forward I was known as [h/n] (your Hero name)

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