Chapter 38

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I laid there with Nana in my arms, I was currently breastfeeding her while Shouta went to go get food for me, I was dead inside, I want to sleep, I've never wanted to sleep this bad

My eyes where baggy, my hair was tangled, I was sweaty, I was a huge mess, I looked like I came back from the dead

Taking in a deep breath I collected myself before finishing up breastfeeding her, after that she was put to bed that was next to mine, and it took me only five minutes for me to sleep

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

My eyes where resting when I heard a door open but I didn't bother to see who it was, since it was pretty obvious it was the class, as I just laid there I can hear the class gasp when they saw the baby "guys she sleeping"

"We should come back later"

"Where's sensei Aizawa"

"Right behind you guys"

"AHH!" my eyes jolted open and the baby started to cry, I groaned as I sat up and the class repeatedly said sorry while Shouta was looking like he was ready to drop kick the whole class

"It's okay guys, just don't be so loud" I said as Shouta grabbed the baby while I ate a burrito

"So how did it go, with the whole birthing"

"Horrible, I was in so much pain, girls if you have children, get the epidural and prepare for a whole ass watermelon popping out of you, and Jesus the contractions lasted hours"

"It wasn't that bad" Shouta said with a chuckle

"Fuck you" I mumble

"When are you going home"

"In two days" they all walked to Shouta and fawned over the baby, they took turns on holding Nana until she was starting to fuss

Next thing I know the pro heroes and my family where all up in my room "oh god..." I sunk in my bed and out a blanket over me

"Um... I need you guys to leave, since there's so many people, we can have up to six people per visit" I hear the nurse say, I hear a couple people leave and I peek from the covers to see my mom, dad, grandma, aunts, and cousins

They took turns cooing over the baby when the time was up

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

After like three hours everyone got to meet her, though Toshi and Hawks where running late, and about a few minutes I see them walk in "Aw look at her, she's so tiny" I hear Hawks say as he carried her "I'm gonna call her chicken nugget"

"Oh wow she has Aizawa's eyes, so what did you name her [y/n]" Toshi asked

"I named her after our master" I can see Toshi's eyes soften

"Nana, she's so precious" he picked her up out of Hawks hands and cradle her

"I'm going to bed" I put the covers over me and went to sleep

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

I finally took that shower, I had some comfy pjs on while breastfeeding Nana, I was on my bed watching my show, Shouta went back to work so I have the whole house to myself

"Nngg..." I hear her and put her down and lifted my bra up, I then picked her up and started to pat her back until she threw up

"How did my mom put up with me" I put her to bed and went to go change, Bandit came in and looked at the baby, his tail was wagging and he sniffed her, then Boots and Nala came and sniffed her as well, they pawed her face and I shooed them away and grabbed her

I made my way to the living room and placed her down in her in her little cradle bouncer that I got from the baby-shower, then I laid on the couch and ate cereal, after three hours of relaxing I decide to bring her to the class, I put clothes on and grabbed the baby bag

I put her in the baby basket carrier and walked to the class "hey guys, guess who I brought"

"[y/n] shouldn't you be resting" Shouta said

"I did rest, then I got bored, plus I wanted to see the class" I put the baby down "I gotta go to the restroom" I ran out and went straight to the toilet

~~~~Shouta's POV~~~~

I hear Nana start fussing I grab her out of her carrier and start to bounce a little, I see the brats making googoo faces at me "I will give you detention" they immediately look away whistling

"As you guys know, this week on Friday you will leave for your hero work studies, I hope you guys are prepared-"

"Aaahhhhggnn! Ehhhh!" the baby started to cry and fuss, I rubbed her back she kept crying and she was getting louder, I sniffed something and my nose scrunched up, I see [y/n] walk in

"Awww, is your dad being a meanie- ohhh that's smells, why don't you change her, I've already did it's your turn"

"... I... I don't know how" he whispered to me

"Google it, I'll take care of the kids" I gave him the wipes, diaper, and powder then made him walk out, I close the door and chuckled "he's gonna have a hard time" I can hear the kids trying to muffle there laughs

"D-do you think sensei Aizawa can change a diaper" Izuku asked

"I hope so"

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

Shouta's face was... interesting, he looked confused and traumatized as we walked back to the house, I got to our room and placed Nana down on our bed "are you okay"

"... it was so messy.... and it was..... everywhere" I started laughing "how do you do it"

"I've been changing diapers for years, remember I had baby nieces and nephews" we both crawled on the bed in our pjs, Nana was in the middle asleep, Shouta was rubbing her cheek and she grabbed his finger

My heart melted at the sight "her tiny hand is grabbing your finger" I whisper, he let out a chuckle and kissed her cheek, she then smiled "oh my gooood" I whispered again "she really is daddy's girl...... fuck you"


A/N: Hello! I would just like to say that this book might (key word 'might') be coming to an end

I do have an idea on how I'm ending it, there's a twist in the next few chapters, so I hope you guys will stay to see how everything turns out

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