Chapter 5

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I was with family at the time, we where having a get together, it mostly looked like a party considering my family is huge, all the little kids where watching tv and it caught my eye

"[h/n] is so cool!! Too bad she wears a mask, we don't what she looks like"

"Yeah, but I mean did you see how she took down that villain, her leg is strong!"

I laughed at my nieces and nephews reaction to me, I'm currently the number one hero here in America, it kinda sucks because I'm so busy

And I hadn't spoken to the gang in years, wonder how there doing

One of the reasons why I wear a mask is so people don't recognize me when I'm out in public being a normal person, but it also means my family doesn't know what I do for a living

"[y/n]!" I jumped from my grandmas voice

"Yes grandma"

"When are you gonna get married!? Look your getting old, and you haven't popped out one baby"

"Oh jeez" I groaned "not this again"

"Honey, your already twenty-nine, your not gonna get any younger, look I met this guy at a park and he told me he's looking for a wife, I showed him a picture of you and he-"

"You what!?"

"Listen!! He likes you so I set up a date, tomorrow at six o'clock"

"Oof, that's tough, sucks to be you" my cousin said as she looked in the fridge

"Shut up Yuki!" she just laughed as she opened up a Pepsi and walks away "why didn't you set him up with Yuki!?"

"Because you need more help than she does"

"Well that's just rude"

"Look what I'm saying is, she's a bit younger than you"

"I'm only a month older than her!"

"But what I'm saying is, you work in a office job, she works as a nurse, the guy I set you up with is a surgeon, he makes a lot of money, he can support you while you quit that stupid job"

I sighed out, I knew it was a bad idea to hide my hero work, but it's actually best to do so, my family loves heroes but having a family that's a hero freaks them out since there worried about them, I know they just want to keep them safe, but I don't want to keep them on edge 24/7, so it was a good idea to add a mask to my hero suit

"Alright, I'll go see him"

"Good, you guys will make such cute babies!"


"Oh I'm just joking.... or am I" I groaned as she giggled and walked away

~~~~Time Skip Next Day~~~~

I was sitting at a fancy ass restaurant, I hate these, not because I can't afford it, hell I can buy this whole restaurant if I want, but because there food was weird

They serve tiny ass food plates, I rather go to McDonald's

I sighed out and see a guy sit down right in front of me, he's kinda cute in person "so you must [y/n] a pleasure to meet you, I'm Adam" I started laughing because of the vine

"S-sorry I thought of something funny"

"Let me guess, is it where the guy blew on his smoke from his desk"

"Yeah, how do you know" I said surprised

"I have so many nieces and nephews"

"Same, they can be a handful"

"Yes, they like to come to my house because of all the video games I have" he said, we both started laughing and we had a good time

After like an hour in we where getting ready to leave when guys in mask busted in with guns, now because I was a bit tipsy from my drink, but I didn't hesitate to run at them taking them down in a second, I grabbed there guns and pointed at them "don't move!" I said, one was about to get up when I shot right next to his head "I won't hesitate bitch!!"

They all froze until police came, I left it to them and stumbled out the restaurant "[y/n]!" I turn around and see Adam running towards me "here let me take you home"

"N-no it's f*hic* fine, I-I can just" I fell forward but Adam held me "you kn-know Adam, heh your *hic* your kinda sexy in th-that suit"

"[y/n] your drunk, let me take you home"

"Oh poo, your no f-fun" he put me in the back seat and I fell asleep, I then woke up with a hangover and my grandma ready to beat my ass

"Dumbass! What where you thinking fighting those armed men!?" she started to curse me out in Japanese, but I just put a pillow over my head

"Sorry grandma"

"Your lucky Adam is a gentleman and took care of you while you where drunk"

"He did?"

"Yes, I told him he could leave but he just stayed by your side" I groaned into the pillow "what's the matter, you don't like him"

"No, I do, it's just, my job"

"Quit the damn job" as soon as she said that Diana texted me they need me immediately

"I-I gotta go"

"What do mean-"

"Bye!" I ran out the house and went inside my car, I drove quickly to the hero base and went inside "did something happen" I said to Diana as put my purse down on my desk

"Well not really, you see we got a message from Japan saying they need you, badly, they think there's a dangerous villain planning something and was wondering if you'll like to go back, you see the criminal rate went down and it seems that everything is going well here, so they'll like you to move back to Japan"

I took a moment to process what she said "what happen to All Might?"

"He gotten into a bad accident, that's all I heard"

"Well if they need me badly then I'll be going back"

"Okay I'll set up your flight and send people to pack your stuff"

"Okay, thank you Diana" I got up from my desk and sighed out, 'how the hell am I gonna tell my grandma'

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