PoEm TwO~ SaLvAtIoN

208 76 60

Where will we go,
When our world dies,
It's our only home.
Yet no one cares about it,
And it's getting wounded everyday.

The end isn't inevitable,
Salvation isn't impossible,
We're all humans
And we live in one world.

Till races judge us
Wealth classifies us,
Religion divides us,
Borders separate us,
But in the end we're all the same.

And we need to unite,
Forget self interest,
It's no longer about power,
It's about survival.

Because in the end,
We live in one world,
The world is dying by the day,
We need to save it,
Forgetting our differences,
Only considering our similarities.


Dedicated to all human and the Earth.

Hope you all liked it and if you do don't forget to vote 😉

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