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"D-Doctor, how is he?" "You are?" "I-I'm his girlfriend" "Dr. Lopez is fine now, he'll be awake till tomorrow," "Can I see him?" "We will be shifting him to the VIP room, you can see him there"

I nodded and the doctor walked away. I sighed in relief and sat down, tears kept rolling down my cheeks. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Mia and Edward.

"Zoya?" I stood up and hugged her tightly while crying on her shoulder. "Shh, it's alright" "I-I thought I was going to lose him" I whispered while crying.

She pulled away and looked at me, "Don't cry" She said while whipping my tears away. "Have you seen him?" Edward asked while I just shook my head.

"I was going to see him now" I whispered and looked towards the elevator. "Want us to come along?" I shook my head and looked at them.

"I'm fine, you need rest now... Take care," I said before leaving. I went to the elevator and went up to the VIP floor. "Excuse me? Where is Anthony Lopez's room?" "Room nr. 23" I thanked the nurse and started to find the room.

When I found the room, I was going to walk in but I heard a voice. I looked through the open door and saw a woman crying beside him and then there was a man standing beside her.

"Don't worry, our son is alright" Son? They must be his parents. I walked to the chairs and sat there waiting till they will go.

I was so near to lose him, I was so near to lose a person I love more than anything. I didn't realize that I was crying, I brought my hands up to my face and silently cried.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw a woman, "You okay dear" I nodded my head and whipped my tears away.

She sat down beside me and looked at me, "You don't look okay, what happened?" "I was near to lose someone precious to me" I whispered.

"Me too dear, but you need to be strong for that person," She said and smiled at me. I nodded my head and returned the smile.

She left with a man who came from the other side, I walked to the door and looked inside. When did they leave?

I walked in and slowly walked towards him. I sat down beside him and took his hand in mine, "Hey, Anthy..." I tried to hold my tears and tried to be strong.

"You should hurry and wake up because there is something I need to tell you" I whispered and held his hand tighter.

I stayed the night at the hospital, I didn't want to leave his side. I was afraid, afraid to lose him, I didn't want to take any risks.

The next day, I waited for him to wake up but he wasn't opening his eyes. "Uh, you are still here" I turned around and saw the doctor from last night walking in.

"Y-Yes, I didn't want to leave his side," I said while looking at him. The doctor nodded his head and smiled while looking at me.

"He is lucky to have you beside him" I nodded my head and looked at the doctor. "You look like you haven't eaten anything, why don't you eat something, I need to check him"

"No, I'm fine" "No need to worry, I'm here," He said. I thought for a while and decided to get something to drink. I went to buy a water bottle and hurried back up.

When I came back up I saw the doctor was still here. "How is he?" "He is fine, but it may take a few days till he will wake up" "But you said he will wake up today!" I almost shouted.

"Sorry, he was hurt badly and lost a lot of blood," The doctor said and walked away. I looked at him and teared up. I walked towards him and sat down while holding his hand.

Mr. Billionarie DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now