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We were back at the penthouse, we both changed our clothes and then I decided to change his bandage.

I was changing his bandage and I could feel his stare on me. "That's my sister" I looked at him confused.

"The girl in the picture, that's my sister," He said and looked down. Now I felt stupid, I should have let him explain.

"I'm sorry" I whispered and finished his bandage. I stood while looking at him, "I shouldn't have been like this... I'm sorry" I said and was gonna when he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

He hugged my waist snuggling his head in my stomach. I put my hand on his hair and stroked it softly. "She died 5 years ago" What have I done?

Why am I so selfish? I could have let him explain, I could have let him talk, but no... I didn't give him the chance. "It's all my fault...."

I pulled him away softly and cupped his cheeks in my small hands. I caressed his cheeks softly and sat down beside me. He needed me now, and I didn't even let him talk.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been like that... You needed me right now, and I didn't even let you talk" I whispered while looking down. He held my hands and kissed the top of them.

"Then you can listen now" I looked at him and nodded fastly. I kept looking at him waiting for him to talk.

"She was the most loving person ever, she was the youngest but the most mature one. She wasn't our real sister, dad and mom adopted her after they found her on the street. I was only when mom and dad adopted her and she was the most precious thing that ever happened to us all. We were always only brothers when they brought her home everything changed. She was 6 when we adopted her, at first she was shy and didn't come to us, except mom and dad. Slowly she started to play with us and then slowly started to talk with us, I was happier when I got to choose her name, she was like a fairy when she came in our life, so I named her Fiona. We were living happily with her till one day everything changed. Fiona and I were in our garden playing around as always, I threw the ball at her, but it went out of the garden... She went to get it and I went after, I saw her taking the ball from the road, and....... then... I saw a car in full speed coming at her, I shouted her name but she didn't hear me, I ran up to her but it was too late...... S-She got hit by the car and landed on the ground blood all over her, s-she lost so much blood that the doctor couldn't save her"

He said while breathing heavily. I hugged him and patted him on his back, "If I didn't throw the ball, if I was on time then she would have been here, it's all my fault"

I pulled away and cupped his cheeks in my hands. "No, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself for something which wasn't your fault... If you keep blaming yourself then she wouldn't be happy to see it, and neither would I want to see you this hurt"

He didn't say anything and kept looking at me. I smiled softly and kissed him on his forehead, "Nothing of what happened was your fault, so don't blame yourself"

"I went to meet her today, I should have told you earlier..." "No, you needed to be ready to tell me" "I promise you Zoya, I love you and only you. You are the only one I have loved and will always be the only one I will love this much"

He said and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes taking his scent in. "I love you, I love you and only you" "I love you too" I whispered and kissed on his head.

I pulled away and kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid back on the bed, "You know there's a thing I've been thinking about a lot?"

"What?" "You without hijab" I was taken back by what he said. Did he want to see me without my hijab? "Why?" "If you are this beautiful with hijab, then how beautiful will you be without it?" He said while smirking.

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