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Edward and Lucas went with the police officers and Lucas's men out in the woods where they went before. While Harry was trying to track Sebastian and Oliver was talking to his men and police officers.

Anthony, on the other hand, was passed out. "Z-Zoya" His mother looked at him and caressed his hair softly. He was passed out but Zoya wasn't leaving his mind. He couldn't think about anything but Zoya.

Zoya slowly opened her eyes and realized that she was in a new place, it wasn't as dark as before and this time there was a window which she was happy to see.


The door opened and he walked in, "I see, you are finally up" Zoya ignored him and kept looking at the wall. "Aren't you curious about where we are now?"

She didn't answer him and was thinking about how to get out of here. She heard him chuckled and then he sat in front of her, "Your boyfriend actually would have found you if I didn't hurry and move you here"

She chuckled dryly and looked at him, "Do you think that he won't find you? Tsk, dream on, if he could come there then why not here?"

*SLAP* He suddenly slapped her hard across her face which made her fall and hit her forehead on the ground hard. He grabbed the back of her head and looked at her, "You bitch, you have a big mouth uh!"

"Why? Are you scared that he will come here?" She said while looking at him. He looked straight in her eyes and didn't see the fear in them anymore.

He pushed her away and stood up, he walked out from there and locked the door after him. "Sir, the police are looking for us and he got some men to look for her" He looked at his man and sighed.

"I gave you one work and you couldn't even do it properly," He said and shoot the man. He smirked and walked out from there and looked at his men who were standing outside.

"Keep an eye on her" They nodded and went to their positions. He walked towards his car and sat in, "Let's get to work" He said while starting his car.

Before driving away he looked at the place and smirked, "I will get you, Anthony Lopez" He said while smirking.


"No, n-no... ZOYA!" He shouted while seating up. He was breathing heavily and was sweating a lot. His mother opened the door and ran up to him, "Anthony, why are you sweating so much?" She said worriedly and touched his forehead.

She was shocked when she touched his forehead, he was burning like fire. "My God! You have a fever!" He shook his head and pushed the cover away.

"I need to find her," He said while standing up. She held him back and looked at him "No, you can't go anywhere like this" She said while tearing up.

She couldn't see her son like this, she couldn't bear to see her son in this condition. "I'm fine," He said and turned around. He started to walk downstairs while his mother walked after him.

"Anthony please listen... Your brothers are trying to find her, they will find her, you can't go out like this!" She said while tears were running down her cheeks.

"I need to find her" He whispered and walked towards the door. He was going to open the door but his father stopped him.

"Anthony, for god's sake listen!" He shouted at his son who didn't care about anything but Zoya at the moment. "No dad, I need to find her," He said while pushing his father's hand away.

His father sighed and nodded, "Okay, go... But I'm telling you or Zoya get's hurt then I'll kill you" He chuckled weakly and nodded his head.

His father handed him the car keys and he hurried to the car. He sat and started to drive to the same place where the went before.

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