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"Hurry and get the surgery room ready!" I shouted while seeing my patient's condition. The nurses hurried up to me and we put the patient on the bed and hurried towards the surgery room.

I got ready for the surgery and walked in. "Let's begin," I said while looking at the nurses, they nodded and we started the surgery.

"Scalpel" The nurse handed me the scalpel and I started to cut. "Harmonic scalpel" The nurse handed it to me and I begin to do my work.

After the surgery, I walked out and saw the patients related. "D-Doctor how is my husband?" "Mrs. Khan, your husband is perfect now, he needs to be at the hospital for a few weeks"

"Thank you, doctor, thank you so much" "No, please don't, it was my job," I said while looking at her. I bowed and walked away from there. I went to my office and sat down.

I sighed and looked at my computer screen. I took the hospital phone and called David my secretary, "David is the file ready?" "Yes, sir and your meeting is in 2 min" "Okay, and did you find an assistant?" "I'm still looking into it, you will have the assistant after tomorrow" "And find a good one"

I didn't wait for his replay and ended the call. I stood up and put my laboratory coat on, I started to walk towards the meeting room where the meeting was going to be.

I walked in and everyone stood up to greet me, "Good evening Mr. Lopez" I didn't say anything and took my seat. I looked at them and they all sat down.

"How are the junior doctors working?" I said while looking through the file. "They all are doing good, and are fast learners" I nodded and stopped looking through the file.

"How about the hospital things I ordered last week?" They all were suddenly quiet, which meant the hospital things weren't here yet.

"Any explanations?!" I asked loudly. They all looked at me and turned their faces away. "What the hell is wrong with you all?! I ordered them yesterday, and there aren't still here!"

"S-Sorry, Mr. Lopez, we tried to tell them to hurry but they had many other delivering to do" "I don't care, I need those things tomorrow"

They all looked at me shocked. "T-Tomorrow? But sir it's too early, at least give us 3 days" "Get me those things tomorrow, or you can stop coming to work"

I looked at David and he knew what to do. He shared the screen on the whiteboard. "We will be building a new hospital right here," I said while showing the place with a laser pointer.

"But sir, the place shows that there is already something here" I looked at him and leaned backward on the chair "Mr. Benjamin, I think you don't know me well enough," I said while looking at him with dead glares.

"I will be talking to the owner tomorrow, and I want Mr. Daniel, Mr. Harold, and Mrs. Edgar to be the head doctors"

"Sir I thought you said I would be the head doctor next time" This man is getting on my nerves and I don't like it. "Mr. Daniel, Mr. Harold, and Mrs. Edgar don't go around flirting with the nurses, and neither do they reject the patients, unlike someone. I think it's best if you don't come to work anymore" I said while standing up and the rest followed my moves.

I started to walk towards the door when this guy decided to open his mouth. "M-Mr. Lopez, you can't fire me! I'm the best doctor here! If you fire me, you'll lose everything!"

I turned around to face him. I put my hands in my jean pockets, I chuckled coldly at him and looked at me with fire in my eyes.

"David take his surgery license and make sure he doesn't get to work anywhere," I said and walked out from there. I could have done it by myself, but I wasn't in the mood to deal with this dog.

I went to my office and went back to the paper works. I was doing the paperwork when my phone started to ring. "Hello?" "Sir, it's an emergency we need you in the surgery room 34!" I ended the call and hurried to the surgery room.

"What is going on?!" I said loudly while looking at them. I put the gloves on and walked towards them, "W-We didn't know the patient had a fever, and he is losing a lot of blood, we can't stop it" "Step back!" I said coldly and harshly.

I started to stop the blood and looked at the patient's heartbeat. "Who's patients is this?" "Dr. Jones" "Why is he not here in the surgery room?"

"He said he had a date and had to leave, he left me here with these juniors" At this point, my blood started to boil. I was proud of my nurses who never disappointed me, but these doctors were for sure disappointing me.

I did the surgery safely and looked at junior doctors. "I hope you learned something today, I don't want you to enter the surgery room until you get your license" "Y-Yes Dr. Lopez"

"Nurse Emma, good job but I want you to take an extra look at this patient. For now, he is your patient" "B-But s-sir I'm only a nurse"

"I clear of that, but you did something a doctor should have done. I will leave Mrs. Edgar with you" She nodded and I walked away from the surgery room.

The rest of the day went through surgeries and paper works. It was 11 pm and I decided to go home now.

When I arrived at my penthouse I saw dinner on the dining table. I walked to the dining table and looked at the foot. I took it and threw it away, and went up to my room.

I took a shower and changed to something comfortable. I went downstairs and made myself a coffee. After making coffee I went up to my office and started to look through files about my new hospital.

I woke up and got ready for work. I went down to the parking and took my car. Before going to work I decided to go somewhere else.

I drove to the flower shop and brought red roses. After buying the roses I went to meet my most loved person. When I arrived at the place I walked towards her.

I was surprised to see a white rose here, no one has ever put a flower on her grave. I looked around and my eyes caught a girl walking out from here.

She had a beautiful dress on and her hijab matched that beautiful dress. I kept looking at her waiting until she would turn around.

When she turned around my heart stopped for a while. All I could see was her. She was like an angel who just fell from heaven, she was looking up at the sky.

I saw something shining on her cheeks, she touched and dried it away. I kept looking at her when I realized she was the same girl from yesterday.

She turned to her side and looked at something, I looked at the direction and saw her looking at a grave. I saw fresh flowers on the grave and they were also white roses. When I turned to the side to look at her, she wasn't there any longer.

Why do I feel so connected to her? Why did my heart stop for a second when I saw her? What is this feeling?

Who are you?

Mr. Billionarie DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now