An Interesting Brunch

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I look back down at my phone to see 4DM
Hey love, I was wondering if we could meet up at nando's today at nine in the morning?
I guess you must have found out that Niall likes you. Don't hurt him we care a lot about him.
Congrats your the princess!! Take care if Niall,and be considerate.
Well it's awesome to know you might be in the 1D family, so I am giving you a welcome.
I smile at Zayn's he is so nice. I think about the others. I decide to answer Niall.
Ha sorry I was asleep. Yes I will meet you at the only nandos around here. What should I wear?
I start to get up and look through my closet. I hear my phone beep.
I go over to it and read it.
OMG your right. It doesn't matter what you wear love. I don't mind what you wear. It's just going to be me and the boys.
I type really fast on my keyboard of my phone and send it.
What the boys?? Did you know three of them DMed me. Don't tell them I told you. Alright I am getting ready right now. I will be done in thirty minutes.
I put my phone down and wash my face off from the blood I had. Then I just choose a flowy kinda shirt it was red with white high wasted short. And red toms I decided to curl my hair. I was ready I grab my phone and look at Niall's thing.
Oh well I will have a talk with them later. Alright I timing you ha JkJk. Take all the time you need love;)
I smile look at myself one more time in the mirror. I had put some mascara on,and a nude color lipstick. I grab my phone and put it in my back pocket. I grab my car keys, and I go out to my car and plug my phone into the radio and play out my music. I get their less than ten minutes. I grab my phone turn off my car and walk out. I look down at my phone.
Can you tell them it's for Horan, and they will take you to the spot we are going to sit in.
I go in and look at the lady looks at me
"Horan?" I said more as a question than a answer. She smiles and she grabbed six menus and she sits me down.
"They will be here soon, they are coming in disguise." She said after leaving. I wait their for five minutes and I see someone walk in them finally four others come behind. The lady takes them to the back where I am. After she did that she closed the curtains. I see them take off their jackets and hats and wigs and throw them on the floor.
"Hello love sorry we had to do that." Niall said coming over to me and giving me a hug and kiss on my cheek. Then the other boys follow after him.
"You look gorgeous today." Louis said I just smile.
"Thanks Louis." I said and look for something to talk about.
"So how long are y'all going to be here?"
"Well we'll be her for two weeks then we have to go back to London." Said Niall Niall was sitting to my left Liam was sitting to my right. Harry was in front of me Louis was in front of Niall,and Zayn was in front Liam. Then we ordered our food. They asked me where I work.
" oh I work at Starbucks."
"Didn't you say you went uni??" Liam asked looking at me funny.
"I did for a baker it was my dream." I said longingly then our food came.
"I wanted to open a bakery shop, but I just can't."
"Why not?" Niall asked and looked at me interesting.
"We'll me and Alondra live in a house,and I have to take care of my little sister." I said a matter of faculty. They just nod and look at each other.
"Check please!" Niall said to the waitress. She leaves and I look at the time. It was twelve I was supposed to go to work.
"Hey guys sorry I have to bolt." I said getting up. Niall said he would walk me to my car. He handed the girl the money and he chair up with me.
"Hey I was wondering if you could give me your number?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck.
"Sure hand me your phone." He pulls it out and I type in my number hand him his phone.
"We'll it was nice to have brunch with you."
"No problem it was nice of you coming." He said and we stood their for a second. He had his hood on so no one knows its him. Then he did the unexpected. He kissed me I stood their shocked for about a second then I kissed him back. Then I think about Austin and I pull back. I turn around and open my car door I get in start my car. I look up at Niall and wave and smile. He does the same he puts his hands in his pocket,and walks back inside. I leave to Starbucks.

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