Telling Niall

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I woke up the next morning to Austin looking at me. His eyes met mine.
"Good morning." He said all happy and I just let out a groan. He laughs and gives me a kiss on my nose. I cover my whole body with blankets. I feel him pull the blankets off.
"No Austin how can you be so happy!!" I said grabbing the blanket again. He just laughs and picks me up from my bed and takes me to the couch downstairs. I sit their pouting until I smell the coffee. He gives it to me in my favorite mug. It was princess bell I take a sniff.
"Don't worry it is warm I made sure to wait a little while." He said cause he new I don't like it that hot. I take a sip and I feel like I am in heaven.
"You know me so well." I said to him with my smile.
"I love when your eyes change color." He said sitting down with his coffee.
"What time is it I have to met Niall at 11." I said looking at the time. It was about to be 11. I jump up and give Austin a kiss. I run back upstairs and put on the first thing I saw. It was just some high waisted shorts with a crop top shirt. I put on white converse. I walk downstairs Austin was waiting at the door for me.
"I have to go to work so we can leave together." He said opening the door for me and I grab my jeep keys. I walk out and he locks the door with his keys. I gave him his own pair, so he wouldn't have to wait for me. He walks me to my car. I stop when I open my door, I turn around and give him a long kiss. He had me pressed up against my car,but I didn't care. We finally pulled apart and I get in my car. He lets me leave first. I get to the park and I park my car. I grab out my makeup bag and pull out mascara and red lipstick. I put a little powder on,and I put a natural color eyeshadow. While I am putting on my lipstick I see Niall barely sitting on the bench. I went to the morning when he told me he needed to talk to me. I grab my phone and I looked at my hair in the mirror. It was straight and I put bobby pins to put up my bangs. Just cause I don't want them in my face. I get out of my car,and walk to Niall. I put on my black ray bands that sparkle. He looks up when he hears me. A smile forms on his face.
"Hey Niall" I said he gets up and gives me a kiss on the cheek. It felt weird and tingly, but I just shrug it off. He had ray bands on covering his eyes.
"Hey love" he said as we start walking.
"So why did you want to see me?"
"We'll cause cause I wanted to see you." He said looking at me.
"Oh well are we just going to walk around?"
"Ya unless you want to follow me somewhere?"
"Ya I go to this park a lot."
"Alright just follow me." He said getting in his car I walk to mine and get in. My phone starts to ring and I look at the caller ID it's Austin. I slide my finger across and I put him on speaker.
Hey babe are you still with Niall?
Ya I am following him to our destination why?
I was just wondering. Be careful babe.
Ey eye caption. I said I hear him laugh. It just puts a smile on my face.
Love you see you when I get home.
Love you too and okay. I said then hung up I look up to see Niall looking through the rear view mirror. I make a funny face. I see him laughing at me. Then I hear a car horn. I literally look at the car behind me. I don't move at all just cause I was being a butt today. The car goes around me and the guy flicks me off. I send a kiss his way. I start driving and find Niall. I see a lake why are we here? I park my car and I get out Niall gets out of his. He pops the trunk of his range rover. He sits in it so I do the same.
"I will wait for you as long as I have to." He said breaking the silence.
"Them you going to have to wait a long time." I said looking at him.
"I don't understand why him?"
"Because I have known him for a while." I said being all serious.
"Fine okay just know that I like you a lot and I am not going to give up."
"How about we stay friends till then?"
"I like that idea." He said looking at me with a smile. I just roll my eyes.
"Why did you chose this place."
"We'll usually it's the place me and the boys would come when we are here." I nod and I put my head on his shoulder. I try and not to think about the tingles that were going through me. He grabs my hand and we stay like that for a while till his phone rings. It was Liam and he needed to go home.
"I got to go Valery." He said and I got up and out of his trunk.
"Ya I know I will text ya later." I said as I got in my jeep. I wave at him and he did the same. When he left I got back out and I look at the lake and stay their. It was about five and I told myself I have an hour left to stay. I grab out the blanket I had in my jeep. I sit down on it looking out and think. I fall asleep cause I was really tired.
~three hours later~
I wake up and it is dark. I look for my phone and find it underneath me with my keys. I look to see what time it was. It was eight at night. OMG I can't believe that I stayed asleep for this long!?!??! I get up grab the blanket I start driving home. When I got home I see Niall's car and four others. I know alondra is home with Clay and I see Austin's car. I run in and all of them are looking at a map of the town. They look up to see me. Alondra come and runs at me and gives me a hug.
"Where were you?" She asked me pulling away.
"I was at the lake." I said looking at Niall. He nods his head like he knows what I mean.
"What were you doing their?" Austin asked coming to me.
"um I was just driving around." I said looking at the ground.
"Well thank you Niall and others." Austin said and showed them to the door. I stayed in my spot.

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