Chapter 7

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A few months later

"Okay, what ye 'ave to do is throw da balls in da air at da right time and catch 'em. Ye gotta repeat the same pattern. Understand?" Reggie explained, but through his thick Irish accent, I really couldn't understand what he was saying. I just stared blankly at him, not knowing what to do as he handing the juggling balls to me.

"Um... sure?" I stated, taking the balls in my small hands and looking at them in confusion. Reggie sat back against the couch and watched me... and watched me... and watched me. I wasn't doing anything, since I was trying to figure out how to do it on my own. Eventually I had to give up and look back up at the thirteen-year-old and ask for another demonstration.

The boy sighed in exasperation and took the balls, "Da!! She still don't git it!" he yelled. I looked in the direction of Mr MacSeren's office and sure enough, the man eventually came out grumbling to himself. He looked disheveled and tired, a clear hint that he'd been working all day and night again. I swear, that poor man needs a break sometimes, not to mention he's been feeling quite ill lately. Circus life can't be that bad, can it?

"Oh for feck's sake! You feckin' eejit!" The man swore. Reggie frowned shamefully and looked away from his father, but the grown man took no notice of his son's reaction and snatched the juggling balls away from him.

"Reg! How many times do I have to tell you that she's six for pete's sake! Of course she's not going to get it, that's why you have to demonstrate! Yeah? You know, show her!" the ringmaster explained harshly. Reggie rolled his eyes but otherwise nodded to show his understanding.

"Like this, Reg-" and Mr MacSeren turned to me with a friendly smile... As if I didn't just witness him yell at his son a few seconds ago. "Okay, look, Tae. It's like this," and the man began to slowly juggle the balls effortlessly so I could see every move he did and how he did it. He made it look so easy! I was envious of his ability to juggle and it made me remember why I wanted to learn how to juggle in the first place: simply because it looks so fun and pretty!

Mr MacSeren ceased his juggling, catching the balls against his chest, and held them out to me, "Try again," he insisted. I took the balls from him and held them in my hands again, feeling their weight and smooth texture and trying to figure out how to get started. I stared at them for a while, just like I had with Reggie and now making both the MacSerens impatient.

"See? She just don't git it, Da!" Reggie pointed out and he was quickly shushed by his father as he watched me intently. Finally, I decided to just wing it as I threw one of the balls into the air to catch it. I threw another one as the previous ball was still in the air and caught it; however, that proved to be a mistake when I soon realised I didn't know what to do next. The ball fell to the floor and everyone stared at it in a manner of sheer disappointment.

I sighed and threw the rest of the balls on the floor in a fit and hid my face in my hands, "I can't do it!" I exclaimed pitifully. Mr MacSeren sighed quietly and picked up the juggling balls.

"Come on, Tae, you can't give up now," the ringmaster stated tiredly. I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest, refusing to do more simply because I wasn't good at it like Mr MacSeren or Reggie.

"I can't do it!" I announced again and the men both shared a look at each other. I remained stubborn despite their continued attempts to persuade me to keep going. They would both try showing and explaining to me how to juggle and I still didn't understand any of it. I could tell I was getting on their nerves but I didn't care... I wasn't juggling like a pro yet and that had me irked.

Eventually, Mr MacSeren decided to give up and he finally gave the balls back to his son and sighed heavily, his breath coming out in a long, drawn-out but quiet wheeze.

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