Chapter 38

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Tom came by the next morning in an attempt to make pleasant conversation. I allowed him to as a reward for giving us peace yesterday from Leopard's pettiness. The ringmaster seemed strange; he was anxiously fidgeting in his place and constantly running a hand through his messy hair. At times, when he spoke, I almost couldn't hear him because of his quiet mumbling. He was too anxious for me to even begin to assume he was drunk. It concerned me greatly but I said nothing about it.

Finally, after a while of chatting that led into silence, Tom looked around briefly before quietly turning to me and asking, "Who did you tell about Lewis and me?"

I paused and stared at him as if he had just accused me of murder, "I'm s-sorry?"

"You heard me, Demmy. Who did you tell?" Tom repeated, but there was no glare in his eyes. Once again, just like the day I had first found out, I saw fear there. In my mind, I saw Ivan, as he was the only man that I had told, but I didn't want to expose him so easily.

"No one! Why?" I lied.

"FatCat took me aside to ask questions last night. He wouldn't say names but someone came up and told him. Who was it!?" Tom interrogated. Inside, I was panicking because I didn't know what to say, but I tried to remain calm so it wasn't obvious that I was lying.

"I don't know! I swear!" I insisted. Tom bit his lip and his brow furrowed intently into an expression that could only be described as a toddler about to have a tantrum. I didn't know what to do.

"I'm doomed..." Tom whimpered and without another word, he stomped off back towards his shack of a home. I was left stunned and unable to think of what to do. I didn't think Ivan would go against his word and say something to someone else but he was the only person who could've been the culprit. Leopard certainly wouldn't go to desperate measures as to make Tom's life a living hell. In a split second, the drama had escalated to an extreme and I had no clue how Tom, Leopard, or myself would recover.

When Ivan finally came by with a plate of buttered rolls and his books as per usual, the first thing I asked him was if he spilt Tom's secret.

"I did," Ivan responded without hesitation as he handed me the plate of rolls, "But! Before you yell at me, I had a pretty damn good reason to. Leopard thought it would be a good idea to harass me again and he threatened to spread lies of his own if you didn't back off the ringmaster," he explained.

"Wha-... what k-kind of lies?" I asked.

"He didn't really specify. He said- and I quote- 'if that devil of yours comes near the master again, the entire circus will hear your secrets whether they're true or not,'" Ivan stated with a shrug. "I don't take too kindly to threats, so, I told the other tamers and FatCat."

"The tamers know!?" I exclaimed loudly. Ivan shrugged and stole a roll off my plate.

"What are they gonna do? Tell the whole circus?" he said nonchalantly, a playful smirk threatening to escape his lips. I gaped at him; I can't believe this.

"Yes! That's exactly what they'll do! Ivan!" I exclaimed in outrage. The man turned to me, innocently staring at me as if I might forgive him if he stared at me long enough.

"Tom did nothing! We agreed I would tell the others if something drastic happened because of Tom! You've r-ruined him!" I said.

"Does it matter? The man abuses you! He deserves it! He and his dick-eating lover both deserve it!" Ivan defended himself but there was a hint a disdain in his tone that I couldn't help but think was too cruel of him. I didn't approve of Tom's relationship, but he was so desperate to make sure I wouldn't say anything and the look in his eyes when he told me he was doomed made me feel horrible that I even told Ivan. I should never have said anything; none of this would've happened if I had just kept my goddamn mouth shut.

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