Chapter 9 - Dates at the mall

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Brittany's POV:

"What do you wanna talk about?" I heard Quinn was nervous. "it's not a bad thing Quinn relax." She smiled at me so I smiled back. "It's about the double date right? Or Santana called you? Is that why you're smiling like a five year old girl who just got some candy?" I was shocked, How did she know that is why I was smiling? "Well yeah. But how the hell did you know?" She smirked "well in the past few days everytime Santana calls you, you look like this." I felt my cheeks get hotter and red. We kept talking about the double date and Quinn told me about how that guy Sam and her got together. We both laughed and then I went to my room, I needed some time alone to like... Think. Of course I thought about Santana.

Quinn's POV

I was super nervous when Britt came talk to me. I mean she isn't the type of person that gets mad easily.. but still. I received a text from Sam, right after Brittany left to go to her room. He told me to meet him at the garage as soon as possible. So I did. I got in my car and drove off way too fast. It took me like 15 minutes to get there. I stepped out of the car and smiled at the blonde guy who stood there waiting for me. "So do you want to go to the mall or something?" He asked. "Yeah sure get in!" I replied smiling and we both got into my car.


When we got to the mall I felt a big, warm hand grabbing mine. It was Sam's hand, his touch made me feel good. I looked at him and smiled. We went to McDonald's to eat something, he took a chocolate milkshake and I took vanilla ice cream. We paid and left. I wanted to buy him a surprise, maybe a new pair of shoes. We were still holding hands when I pulled him into Adidas. He was really surprised and that made me so happy. I got him him the prettiest shoes I could find and we bought them. "Thank you so much Quinn" "it's ok Sam I'll do anything for you and I wanted to make you happy" he smiled, a very big smile. "Well it worked, I'm so happy right now" then he held me by my face and we kissed.

"Ok so we need to talk" Sam told me after we pulled away from the kiss. It was the best kiss I've ever had, his lips are soft and when the crashed on mine I felt like the whole world just stopped, but I didn't care. It was perfect. I was kinda nervous when he said he wanted to talk. But I guess I have to. "Sure, what do you wanna talk about?" He grabbed my hand again and we went to sit so we can talk. "First, what are we? I mean, it's a date right? And we just kissed right? So whet are we?" He looked so confused at the moment and I can't help it he's so cute. "Well we did kiss and it is a date so I think you can go tell Santana you have a girlfriend" I grinned at him and he smiled back. "Ok so now, what else did you wanted to talk about?" "The double date" he said shortly. "Well since Brittany and I have only 4 hours everyday to go out of the dorms I prefer we do this on a weekend so we'll have more time" "ok so it'll be on the weekend and you want it at the evening or morning or noon?" "I think we can go to lunch and then to hang out somewhere" "ok so I'll talk to Santana and you can talk to Brittany or leave it to San" we got up and went back to my car, I told Sam I'll talk to Brittany and we'll do all the important stuff like where to go after lunch and where to have lunch later. He agreed and I took him back to the garage.

Santana's POV

Sam just got back from his date with Quinn and he went straight to my room, I guess he wanted to talk. And I was right. "Hi Sam, how was your date?" "It was awesome actually. She bought me a new pair of shoes to surprise me -by the way it worked- and we kissed when we walked out of the store and guess what she said?! were officially a couple" he was so excited and happy. I was so happy for him. "Ok Sam I'm so happy for you just to let you know. And after that, what did you talk about?" "The double date, we decided that since they can't be out of the dorms for more than 4 hours a day, we'll do it on the weekend, we'll meet for lunch and then we will go somewhere, you need to talk to Brittany about that and you choose what we will do after lunch ok?" "Sure I was going to ask Britt out today anyways so I'm gonna call her" and by that, Sam left the room and I called Britt. I couldn't hear even one ring and she answered.


"Hi Britt"

"Quinn told me about the date with your neighbor and she also said that he told her that we need to choose what we will do after lunch"

"That's right I talked to him to and he told me. But that's not why I called"

"Oh, so for what?"

"I wanted to ask you to go on a date with me today if you want"

"OMG yes actually I have all 4 hours of today so that's great and it's not even 3pm so yes"

"Ok so I'll meet you at the mall in half an hour?"

"Sure" she said excitedly and hung up.


I changed and went to the mall, she was already there, she was wearing a dress that looked perfect on her, she had her hair in a high ponytail and she was sitting there talking to a guy. There it is, jealous Santana had arrived. I took a few breathes and walked to her. I was half way there when she saw me. She said 'bye' to the guy she was talking to and ran over to me. She jumped on me with a big hug, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I held her tight so she wouldn't fall. I put her down on the floor and she smiled at me. "I see someone here missed me" "you have no idea San" I took her hand and we sat down so we can talk.

"Can I ask you something?" "Sure Britt" she made me a little nervous. "First I wanna say something and that we'll go the question" "ok" "I just wanted to say that... I love you, I didn't know if I should say it cause I didn't know if you feel the same but it's so hard to keep inside, at first when I saw you, you saved my life, I just looked into your eyes and they just hypnotized me. Then I saw you at the restaurant and I started liking you. But now I know I love you. And I wanted to ask you if you wanna be my girlfriend?" My eyes were full of tears and all I could say is "I love you too Britt", she looked at me and I nodded, I knew she understood I said yes and now I'm her girlfriend cause the next thing I know is her crushing her lips on mine. I kissed back and put my hand on her cheek. After a while of kissing, we pulled away and smiled. She hugged me and started crying. "Hey Brittany is there something wrong?" "No, I'm just so happy" I kissed the top of her head and we started talking about the double date. We decided that after lunch, we will go to the amusement park, we both love it and I know that Sam loves it too and from what I remember, Quinn loves it. We said we'll talk to Sam and Quinn and we went to eat. When we finished I kissed Brittany goodbye and she drove back to her dorms.

A/N: So guys for this chapter I want to thank my new co-writer so so much! WankyBrittana__ You are amazing :)

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