Lost and Found

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Subcontie's POV

I heard my boss come in, very loudly may I add. I just watched from a distance as he shouted ' WHERE ARE THEY? ', I looked around in confusion, was he talking about Hat Kid? What did they do this time? But I soon realized Hat Kid definitely did not cause this when I saw my friend bolting into the woods. Oh MY GOD, why wasn't I watching! They could be in serious trouble now! I quickly brainstormed up an idea and went over to my boss.

" Heya boss! I think they went in the direction of the burning part of the forest! " I spoke cheerfully, trying to be as convincing as possible. Snatcher turned around and put a claw to his chin, before patting me on the head.

" Wonderful! Guess you're not so useless after all, HAHAHAHA! " He cheers, floating away in the direction of the fire. I then ran to go find my friend when I saw Hat Kid!

" Hey, kid! " I waved, motioning her over to me. She gleefully trots over and tilts her head.

" Could you do me a favour? There's a person around here and I think Snatcher's trying to kill them. So if you find them can you tell them to hide or lead them somewhere, maybe help me distract boss? " I told Hat Kid what they looked like just so she wouldn't get too confused, Hat then nodded and took off in a random direction. I think it's probably best if I look around too. So I looked around the trails and in the deeper parts of the forest.

I was getting a little bit worried now since I hadn't seen them, or Hat Kid. So I decided to just risk it and go check on boss. As I made my way to his tree home I heard soft music playing, an indicator he was in there. So I sped up a bit, hopping on the vines and once I got to the entrance I knocked a little on the wood, he looked up slowly, glaring at me for interrupting his reading.

" Have any luck, boss? " I ask, my voice only slightly wavering in anticipation, I plead silently in my head that he would say no.

" Unfortunately not, but! I have put more traps down so the chances of the intruder escaping my clutches are little to none! AHAHA! " He laughs maniacally, before grabbing his book again and waving me away. I decide on just returning to the village, I'll probably be able to find something there.

When I reached the village it looked the same as usual, with the exception of Hat Kid sitting on one of the toadstools.

" Hey Kid! Did you find them? " I asked while walking over to her. She turns in my direction, giving a cheeky smile and a thumbs up, before pointing to the direction where I assumed my friend was, I let out a small thanks before I left. Making my way to the wooden cabin we stayed in before.

I reached the side of the place and looked around to make sure no one was looking. I then stepped in where I saw them sleeping on the ground. I slumped my small doll body in relief, they weren't hurt and Snatcher didn't get to them. I turned around and sat by the entrance, shifting so part of my face was covered by the yellow bandana my friend gave to me, even if it was a small gesture only so they could know where I was, it still made me feel really happy. I know Snatcher cares about all of us even though sometimes he acts like he doesn't, but in the end he's got at least a little bit of good in his heart. But I really can't call him mean or anything, since I've helped him steal souls, I just don't do it as often as the others do because Snatcher says I'm too 'clumsy', whatever that means. If the human wasn't so nice to me I probably would've immediately told Boss that they were here, but they were just so kind to me, which I probably don't deserve.. I heard rustling outside and I tensed up, leaning over I saw it was just Hat Kid. In her hand she had some sandwiches, I didn't need to eat and couldn't. So when she offered me one I shook my head. She shrugged and took a bite out of hers. When she finished she pointed to the bandana around my neck.

" Are you wondering where I got it? " I ask with a giddy tone, putting my hand on the fabric and rubbing it. Hat Kid nodded in response shifting her hat so it wasn't crooked.

" They gave it to me, said they couldn't tell the difference between me and the other subconties, which I don't get, we look nothing alike! " I huff, putting my elbow on my knee and resting my cheek on my palm. Hat Kid stared at me exasperatedly and I laughed.

" Don't worry, I'm just joking, to be frank I can't even tell myself apart from the others sometimes! " Hat smiled and plucked something out of her pocket, it was a red coin with a golden rim and a golden star. She held it out to me and I took it, flipping it around and examining it. Both sides of the coin were identical and I looked at her questioningly, she simply pointed to the coin and to the human. Hat Kid smiled when I nodded at her and she took off through the forest. When I couldn't see her anymore I looked back at the coin in my hand. And then put it on the ground beside me, a coin would be a good return for the gift they gave me right? Feeling the bandana again I nodded to myself, when they woke up I would give it to them and thank them for how nice they've been. I turned around and immediately regretted my decision, the giant purple mass that covered the entrance glowered at my form and the form behind me.

" So you lied, you lied just so you could protect your pesky friend. " He growls, his tail swishing behind him like a cat.

" ... " It wasn't worth talking, it would only get me in more trouble anyways, I slowly shuffled over so I could get in between Snatcher and my friend. But the attempt was feeble was he simply reached around me and picked them up by their hood.

" I wonder what I should do to them? Hmm? Maybe you should pick, should they watch as I devour their soul whole. Or should I just pop their little head clean off. " He grins, I stand frozen wondering what I should do.

" Time's running out, you've gotta pick quick! " He laughs, inching a sharp talon towards their neck. My eye widened when I saw their eyes flutter open in confusion at the predicament they were in, when they suddenly realized they started struggling and clawing at the hand that held them.

" Put me down! " They shout, kicking their legs.

" Now, now. Don't be getting feisty on me, I might just have to make your death more painful! " They started struggling more at Snatchers words, when all of a sudden they grabbed a hold of his hand and twisted their body around, biting his hand until he flung them away, they landed painfully on the side of the cabin and passed out.

" Boss, please don't hurt them! " I cry, running towards the limp body on the ground. Snatcher stops in his tracks and gazes at me, a look of consideration on his face.

"... If I can get them to make a deal with me they can stay temporarily. " He says with a grumpy tone, my eye widens in surprise.

" Wait really? Oh- thank you so much boss! You wont regret it! " I cheer, jumping up and down. He rolls his eyes and picks them up- with much more care this time, he picks me up as well, letting me sit on the back of his neck. Walking over to a bench he puts them on it and lets me hop down.

" Thank you! When do you want to see them? " I ask, he'd want to meet with them so they could discuss the deal making of course. I knew he would still take their soul but at least this time he probably won't kill them.

" Anytime tomorrow will do, tell them that this is mandatory if they want to keep their pathetic excuse of a life. " He grumbles, turning around and floating towards his house. I jump onto the bench my friend is on and lean back against their stomach, letting myself fall into a deep slumber as well.

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