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The side of your ribs pounded painfully, every time it throbbed the pain ebbed farther and farther until it reached your skull in an ever growing headache. You clenched your eyes harder when the little hands shaking you got rougher.

" Come on! Wake up we have to go see Boss! " They pouted, you knew it was your subcontie because none of the others really bothered with you, plus Hat Kid doesn't talk much. You slowly sat up, gripping your side and grunting a little in pain.

" Uh, I'm super sorry about yesterday.. I really should have done something and- " You stared at them while they rambled and blamed themself, what? Why would they blame themselves? If you were being honest with yourself, meeting their boss was inevitable, it would've happened eventually and even if it didn't, who's to say you would be safe while you were exploring the environment for your project? Ghost man would obviously still be looking for you, and with the dozens of subcontie's littering this forest, you were bound to be caught.

" Listen, it's really not your fault. It would've happened eventually and for how it turned out, I think it was the best possible ending. " You say, you didn't die.. But you didn't know what happened after you passed out. You then put your hand on their shoulder to quiet their rambles. They stare up at you in awe before pulling you into a big, warm hug.

" I'm just glad you're okay. " They mumble, before quickly launching back waving their hands wildly.

" Right! We have to go, Boss is waiting! "

You blink in confusion " What? Why are we gonna see the person who's gonna kill me? Wait, how am I even alive..?

" He said that if you make a deal with him you can stay! " They cheer, pulling you towards the direction of the tree house thing, it seems you were right in thinking that house belonged to the ' soul stealing ghost '. They pushed you inside where the ghost himself was sitting on a chair, reading a book. You looked behind you nervously to see your friend prancing away to sit outside. When you turned back around the ghost was staring at you, causing a cold sweat to break out on the back of your neck.

" Well hello, kiddo! The name's Snatcher, but you've already met me.. Seeing our little fiasco that happened yesterday.. " He sighs, putting a claw to his chin and casting a sly look your way. Before putting his book down on the table beside him and stalking towards you like a cat.

" I don't know if your friend told you anything, but you will be making a deal with me! Don't you feel elated? " He questions sarcastically, towering over you intimidatingly.

" What if I don't want to make a deal with you..? " You ask, voice wavering slightly. Snatcher's face shifted drastically.

" Well, I guess you'll no longer be a pain in my neck anymore since you'll be lying dead in a hollow pit! " He laughs maniacally, your eyes widen in fear and you take a slow step back.

Snatcher snaps his fingers and a contract poofs out of thin air " Read this one carefully! Ignore the whole soul stealing part.. " You grasp the contract that floats towards you, it looks well crafted and the handwriting is very neat. The contract asked you to go deliver mail to his minions and that was basically it, there were pictures on the side but you ignored them- they probably weren't important anyways.

" Is there a catch? " You ponder aloud, looking up into Snatchers gleaming yellow eyes.

" Nope! Usually I would be taking your soul for myself buuuut- it seems your friend there is so very convincing, so I decided to spare your pathetic life! " Not sure whether to be flattered that he didn't end up taking your soul to do whatever with it or to be insulted by the last bit you shrugged and grabbed the feather quill floating in the air beside you, you wrote down your signature as neat as you could. As soon as you did a stamp with Snatchers face on it appeared beside you signature and the contract poofed away.

" Alright, now you may go. And don't come back until you've finished your work- got it? " he grumbles, you shrug and turn to your minion friend. You start walking out the door with them when you pause.

" Bye, Snatcher. " You turn your head slightly and smile, even if he was a bit mean it doesn't hurt to be kind. Maybe he'll open up one day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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