Chapter 3

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Kakashi was continuing making bacon and eggs peacefully until he heard his bedroom door opening slowly.

"He awakes now..." Kakashi thought and went to his cabinets to grab two plates.

Yamato came out seeing Kakashi fulled clothes and putting the food out on the table.

"Morning.." Kakashi said and placed two warm cups of coffee on the table. 

"Good morning.." Yamato said walking toward the table and sat down. Yamato took one and drank it slowly. Kakashi sat down and grab a plate of food,  and Yamato and he started eating.

They both ate in complete silence, Yamato didn't even notice that Kakashi was eating without his mask on. And Kakashi didn't even care about his mask.

After finishing eating they both sat in silence. Kakashi spoke first.

" Tenzo... If I can call you that... about last night... I-" Kakashi said before being interrupted by Yamato.

"Kakashi... I don't want to forget about  last night.." Yamato said looking away blushing while fiddling with his hands. Kakashi nodded and continue talking.

"I-I want to be with you... Last night I have a warm feeling inside of me... that I never felt before.." Kakashi said quietly looking down blushing.

Yamato felt his whole face turning red and his heart beating too fast. Kakashi look up and placed both of his hands on the table, and started talking again.

"I remember what you told me, the one-night stand and not hurting you again... Well I am sorry for leaving you... I-I-" Kakashi said until he felt Yamato hugging him.

"You don't have to apologize to me not now but when you ready," Yamato said and felt Kakashi nodding.

"Anyway, Want to go out with me?" Kakashi looking up smirking at him. 

Yamato laughed and nodded.

"So like a date? Sure if you only pay." Yamato said looking at him curiously.

"Fine... But I choose the place we going, okay?" Kakashi said, Yamato nodded and started cleaning up both their mess. Before hearing Kakashi asking him something.

"Is that my shirt?" 

Kakashi tilting his head at him.

"Yes, I couldn't find my shirt anywhere," Yamato said looking back at him.

"Well maybe because I took your shirt.." Kakashi said innocently. 

Yamato sigh and looked at the Kakashi clock.

"I should probably get going. I-I have my job soon." Yamato said before feeling hands around his waist.

"No... don't leave me..." Kakashi whispers into his ear.

"D-Don't you have a job to go?" Yamato asked.

"Nope. I have a day off today." Kakashi said and started nibbling on Yamato's bottom chin. Yamato tries not to moan but sighs instead.

Kakashi let go and turn away pouting.

"Fine go... but you owe me okay?" Kakashi said before feeling a kiss on his cheek.

"I know," Yamato said while rolling his eyes. 

He started walking toward the door until Kakashi said something that catches him off guard.

"You know I feel dirty... Want to take shower with me?" 

Yamato laughed and nodded no, and left.

Kakashi smirked.

"Your loss."

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