Chapter 1: I'm a Young Vampire, In This Very Strange World

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As light filtered through the house, Jeremy and I met eyes with each other across the table. His eyes were filled with worry, fear, and fatigue. I'm sure mine showed the same. After the day we had; me becoming a vampire, sired to Klaus Mikaelson, Klaus dying, Elena dying only to come back as a vampire, it's been a trying time. 

"Europa, why aren't you dead yet?" Jeremy asked me rather suddenly. 

Raising an eyebrow, I set my tea down and smirked, "I rather hope you aren't banking on an inheritance, I don't have a will in place yet." 

Rolling his eyes, Jeremy tried not to smile but I could see the hint of one, "Stop joking, this is serious. Klaus died last night, Tyler died so why aren't you? None of this seems right, and it's hard knowing that any second you could just burst into flames and that would be the end of it."

"I don't know Jer. I'm trying to not think about it. And we have other issues anyways." I responded, getting up with my empty mug I started doing the dishes. "How do you think our issue will do when she finally actually wakes up?" 

"With the whole fang thing? No clue." Jeremy said as he got up and started helping me load our dishwasher, "But, I think she would do better if Caroline or you helped her instead of those two dumbasses upstairs." 

I snorted and shook my head, "You may be right, but seeing as they are stronger than I am, not much choice here." 

"Stefan?" I heard my sister say from upstairs. 

"She's awake," I said to Jeremy softly. 

My brother looked at me and suddenly he looked like he was a thousand years old. "You can't leave." I looked over at him in confusion. "Matt told me that you were planning on leaving to give us a better life. But you are all I have that will ever be normal. You have to stay."

I sighed and leaned against the counter, "I don't know Jer. Right now, that will depend on how I take the transition and how Elena takes it. One thing at a time." 

"Why are you always so quick to leave? Why can't you just accept that you are needed?" Jeremy asked me in confusion. 

Before I could answer, my phone rang shrilly, "Hold that thought." I muttered to my brother when I saw that Elijah was calling me, "What's up, Elijah?" 

"So you are not dead yet, interesting." His cool, accented voice stated. 

I laughed lightly and nodded, "That seems to be the running theme of the night. Any clue as to why that is?" 

There was silence for a moment before Elijah answered, "No clue at all. What are you doing? Have you eaten?" 

"Not yet, I'm waiting for the Salvatores to leave so I can talk with my sister. Why?" I asked him slowly. 

"I'm worried about you being around your brother right now. Control is a difficult task for any vampire, new ones especially. I do not want you to accidentally kill your brother. I'll be there in about ten minutes, be outside by then. I don't want to speak with the Salvatores." 

Laughing loudly, I nodded, "No one ever does. Thanks for the vote of confidence Master Obi-Wan, I'll be outside in ten minutes. See you soon." Ending the call I sighed and looked over to find Jeremy staring at me in concern. "What's on your mind Jer?" 

"Was that Elijah?" He asked me quickly, to which I answered with a nod. "Why are you meeting with him?" 

Shrugging, I looked at my toes, "Because I don't trust either of the Salvatores to give me the best tips on vampirism, Caroline is unreachable, and... well he's the only vampire I can trust right now." 

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