Chapter Six: The Hatchet

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The next morning I was pleased to find out that due to a potentially dangerous chemical leak, we would not be coming in to work that day until it could be taken care of, which gave me a much needed day off while Elena and Jeremy went to school. Klaus ended up just picking me up and taking me to the mansion for my car before driving off, muttering about having to do something. 

Due to that strange response, I shrugged and continued with my life, enjoying having the house to myself when I got a text from Stefan of all people asking me to call him. 

Narrowing my eyes in confusion, I paused my show and hit the dial button, waiting for the vampire to pick up, "Europa." He said as he answered the phone. 

"Stefan, what's up?" 

"Listen, I know we haven't always been the best of friends in the past but I thought you should know that the vampire Hunter in town had taken an interest in Jeremy, who can apparently see his magical vampire hunting tattoo. Also, Rebekah is throwing a party and Elena is fixated on trying to kill her." There was a sigh on the other end, "I know that the two of you aren't on great terms but I figured you would want to know." 

Nodding my head, I cleared my throat, "Yeah, uh, thanks Stefan. And, I'm... I'm sorry. About what I said about you last night. That was uncalled for and I shouldn't have brought it up." 

"Wait, what? Why are you apologizing? I have literally put you through hell." 

This guy was so not making it easy for me to move on from what Ripper Stefan did. "Yeah, yeah you did. But, after everything with Alaric, I came to the realization that it was unfair of me to give him grace because he had a magical mental problem that was out of his control and not offer you the same. Especially since Ric actually killed me and you just broke my arm and threatened to... that's not the point. The point is, you've done a hell of a lot more good for people I care about than otherwise, so I'm sorry for harsh judgement and I'm going to try and be nicer to you." 

There was a moment of silence before Stefan spoke up, "You don't know how much that means to me, thank you." There was a pause but I didn't speak, knowing that he had more to say. 

"Europa, this may not be my place, but I did spend time with Klaus and Rebekah. I want you to know that I understand why you can connect with them so easily, but I also want to remind you to be careful. I can tell that you really like Klaus so I'm not going to try and talk you out of that, but just remember that there's a reason a lot of people fear him. He can be violent and will betray people if it suits him. I'm not saying he will do that to you, but I wanted to let you know because I don't want you to get hurt." 

I hummed and nodded, "Thanks, Stefan. I appreciate the concern and I do know the risks of being with Klaus. I always have. I don't really get angry with you guys over what you say, but it's more how you say it and the timing." 

"That makes sense. I get why you would be frustrated too, its like you said, you are an adult and it must be frustrating when a bunch of teenagers with questionable dating experience starts telling you what you can and can't do. Just be careful, none of us want to lose you." 

Chuckling, I nodded, "Ditto, good luck with my sister, have fun at the party!" 

With that I hung up, but when Meredith Fell asked me to come over to the hospital for lunch, I sighed and dragged myself up the stairs, rushing through getting ready. Vampire speed was an amazing blessing. When I showed up at the hospital, I took an elevator to Meredith's floor and walked around when I saw Jeremy with an unfamiliar man. "What the fuck..." I mumbled in confusion, "Hey, Jer!" I called with a smile, waving as I approached them, "Who's your friend?" 

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