Chapter Seven: Monster. How Should I Feel?

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A few days had passed since Rebekah's and my shaky understanding, during which time I went to work and tried to focus on my life. Additionally, Klaus all but vanished with only a quick text letting me know to be careful and that he was out of town for the moment. Elena wasn't doing well with the transition so I had planned to spend my d ay off with her while Jeremy was at work. 

While I was on my way back from the store, April stopped me, "Hey, Europa!" She said with a smile. 

"Hey, April, what's up?" I asked, sending her a soft smile. 

Her smile faded slightly and she shrugged, "I'm going to see if Matt knows where Rebekah is. She promised that she would help me figure out what happened to my dad then she vanished." 

At the mention of Rebekah, I almost walked away but when April said that the Original had stopped all communication, I paused. April was Rebekah's friend now and since we were on the rocks, she didn't have many of those. No matter what, Rebekah wouldn't leave her high and dry like this. That means that either the Scooby gang had her daggered somewhere, or Klaus did. 

"Okay, come on. Let's go ask Matt, he should be opening the Grill right now." I said with a smile and walked with her to the grill. 

We both walked in and found Matt there taking down chairs from the tables, "Uh... Matt?" 

Turning around, Matt looked at us, "Uh, hey, April, Europa. We don't open until eleven." 

Blinking, April shook her head, "Oh, sorry, I wasn't like trying to scare you or stalk you or whatever. I just – I came to ask if you've seen Rebekah."

Matt looked very confused, which told me that more than likely the scooby gang was not responsible for her disappearance, "Why would I have seen Rebekah?" 

"Oh, I just assumed...I mean, aren't you guys kind of like a thing?" 

I winced as Matt scoffed, "Rebekah and I are not a thing."

Not taking that as an answer, April walked up to Matt determinedly, "Well, I – I mean I'm worried about her. She said she'd help me find stuff out about the fire that killed my dad and then she just – disappeared."

A bang sounded and Jeremy was pushed into the room by Connor, who had a knife against my little brother's throat. I moved in front of April and Matt, eyeing the hunter uneasily, "Trust me, that's the least of your problems." 

"Sit down! Sit down!" Connor shouted at us. Grabbing Matt and April I forced them backwards and into seats as I took one myself. 

There was no way I could take Connor on my own, he would just kill me. At the moment though, he has no clue I'm a vampire, which means that I'm relatively safe. I had a blood bag this morning so I should be good on food for a little while. Jeremy was pushed into the seat next to me and Connor looked at him, "Gilbert, give me your cell phone." 

"At least let April go. She doesn't have anything to do with this." Jeremy said as he grabbed his phone from his pocket. 

"She has everything to do with this," Connor said as he grabbed the phone from Jeremy, "Her and her father. Plus, she and I have history."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked at April, what did she have to do with this?
"What are you talking about? I've never seen you before in my life."

Connor scoffed and shook his head, "Well, you kids need to get some vervain. And don't just wear it as a bracelet where anybody can just take it off." Well, I mean he has a point. I've been slowly introducing vervain into the blood I drink so I can not be compelled by any of the originals. "Maybe then you'd remember our conversation at the hybrid's yesterday." 

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