Moxxi x Reader (VH)

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Originally posted on my "Fandom Oneshots", but since it's Borderlands related, I'm posting it here as well.

You sighed as you watched Claptrap sift through his pile of trash he called a home, looking for invitations to his birthday party. He swore he had placed them around there somewhere, and you couldn't help but internally groan when it hit the five minute mark. There were more important things to do, more important people to do as well. The robot let out a "Eureka!" and lifted the tattered envelopes in the air.

"I have found them! Now, remember minion, deliver them to-"

"Yeah, yeah. I've got it." You replied, your obvious annoyance seeping through your voice. You were already walking away, so you didn't really care what the steward bot was saying. All you wanted was the money he promised. Granted, he probably didn't have it, but money was money, and it isn't something anyone would say no to. You hummed as you strolled into the makeshift hospital and flagged down Dr. Zed. He was delighted to see you, having been unable to since the downfall of Jack meant for a busy world. Unfortunately, that meant busy for everyone except you. Why? No idea.

"Well...It's a nice gesture, but it's Claptrap. He's a...nice little feller, but...Tell him no." Zed said, snapping his gloves on and nodding his farewell before returning to the operating table. You turned on your heel and exited, carving a path to Marcus' store. You tried walking fast but lacked the motivation to do so, despite wanting to get this mission over with as quickly as possible. You walked in to the cozy arsenal and was greeted by the owner...But you were leaving as soon as you went in.

"Hahahahahahaha. No." Definitely expecting that. There was one last invitation. You gulped, your heart speeding up.


She was just a woman. A sexy, bar running, hip-swaying, smart, badass woman.

But damn if you weren't in love with her.

You cursed yourself time and time again, knowing that it isn't healthy to fall in love with someone like her, but you couldn't stop yourself. Once you realized it, it was too late. You tried your best to avoid her in any situation because you've ended up at her bar more than one time...And it hasn't ended pretty. In fact, roughly a week ago, Hammerlock had explained to you that you disclosed your feelings for her. You've been treating her like the plague ever since, but it's only made you want her more. The scent of her perfume, the softness of gaze. No, you don't want to have sex with her. Well, of course you do, everyone does---but it's not the main point. You're in love with Moxxi. From the top of that hat she wears to the bottom of her heels, you are irrevocably in love with the woman. Love and lust are two different things, and you want to be able to show her that and not just treat her like an object. However, fate never is kind to gun-wielding badasses such as yourself.

Before you realized it, you were at the back entrance to the club. You didn't even register that you were walking, obviously too involved with your own thoughts about a certain makeup covered bartender. You swallowed hard, took a deep breath, and walked in, letting the loud music drown out your hearing. You spotted Moxxi behind the bar as usual, a slight swing in her movements. You bit your lip, trying to keep a straight face and not drool at the sight. As you approached the bar, she saw you and let a smirk creep up her lips. She leaned against the bartop, hands clasped together and breasts practically popping out of the shirt that was obviously two sizes too small. You cleared your throat as best you could.

"Claptrap said to give this to you." You said, extending the letter with shaky hands. Her fingers brushed against yours, sending multiple chills throughout your body. Keep it together.

Moxxi took the letter and, without even sparing a glance, threw it in a trashcan.

"Oh sugar, you aren't really going to that thing, right?" Her tone was sultry as always, making your heart skip a beat with every word. Good Lord, this woman was going to literally kill you.

"N-no. He said he'd pay me. Vault hunter's got to make a living somehow. Can't always rely on vaults to supply us with loot." You mustered out, sounding more confident the longer you talked. By this point, Moxxi was in the same position, but you were mimicking her movements and ended up face to face with her at extreme proximity. You were surprised your cheeks weren't flaming hot yet, but you could feel it rising.

"You know, I can think of a couple ways you can make money." She hummed, glancing at your lips. Your mind traveled straight to the gutter, triggering an intense blush.

"Yea? Do any of them involve you?" Why did you ask that? Why would you do that? You're done for.

She slightly leaned forward to whisper in your ear, her smirk radiating off of her face in waves. "They are me, sugar."

That was it for you. Your brain shut down and the second she pulled away, you grabbed her neck and pulled her back in, capturing those painted lips with your own. They tasted like heaven, and God she was a good kisser. There was no tongue, no biting, just a kiss. When the two of you broke apart, Moxxi threw her facade back on.

"That wasn't very appropriate, now was it?" Moxxi asked, still sporting that stupid smirk. You wanted to wipe it off of her face in more ways than one, but kept that to yourself. Love, not lust. Love...not lust.

"Not at all. Now, you can either hand the bar over to Hammerlock to watch, or not show up. I'll be at headquarters. Everyone is away on a mission, so it's empty. I'll be waiting." You finished, cocking an eyebrow and kissing her cheek before leaving. You have zero clue as to where in the hell the words you just said came from, but you went with it. You had to get to HQ and calm down before you exploded. It was Moxxi! Of all people, Moxxi! You transformed into a hot mess when you got into the building, collapsing on the nearest couch. A couple minutes later, a click echoed throughout the empty structure and a door opened, then closed. Footsteps pattered up the stairs, and you uncovered your face, moving your arm off of your eyes. There she was. She came. She fucking came.

And you couldn't be happier.

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