Moxxi x Fem!VH (SMUT)

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After the fall of Tyreen and Lilith's sacrifice, you all went home. It had been a few days since Pandora was nearly ripped apart but everyone had managed to chip in and save it. Everyone was grieving in a different way. You? You were drinking. Not because you were upset, no, but because a certain bar owner was refusing to give you the attention you craved.

She's your girlfriend for God's sake! But that just means she cares more about you dying than anyone realizes.

"Mox, come on. I'm still alive! There's nothing to worry about." You slurred the end of half of the words that you said, but Moxxi still understood them.

"You won't be if you keep drinking like that."

"You're the bartender. Stop giving me drinks."

She sent you a disapproving look before setting the glass she was cleaning down and walked around the bar. She grabbed you by your collar and dragged you into the side room which she had claimed as her own.

"Moxxi, I don't...What's up?" You asked, resting your head on your hand.

"Don't Moxxi me. You could have died countless times because of your recklessness!"

Recklessness. Was that what it was?

"Mox, it's my job-"

"I know it is! And that just makes it all the worse. You vault hunters do crazy things and not all of you make it back alive. It makes losing you all that much scarier, sugar." Her voice calmed down at the end as she crossed her arms. She looked so scared. So fragile.

You really wished you weren't drunk right now. You'd never seen Moxxi about her feelings. She always kept her cool unless she was ranting about Jack's chaos.

"Hey, look at me." You used your thumb and forefinger to tilt her chin to the side to look at you. Her eyes were misty and you swear that you'd never seen anything that could break your heart more than the sight in front of you. She was the strongest woman you had ever met and she's nearly crying in front of you.

"I'm still alive." You said, trying your hardest to dismiss the foggy feeling in your head. "I'm right here."

That was when it all started. She took advantage of the close distance and connected your lips to hers, sealing them in a wild frenzy. You moaned into the kiss and firmly locked your arms under her thighs before lifting her up and blindly finding the bed. You carefully placed her down and climbed on top of her, resuming the kiss. Her hands fisted your hair, pulling it ever so slightly enough to drive you crazy. You paused and kneeled in order to take your shirt off, but Moxxi stopped you.

"If I'm to get my point across, you're going to have to be the one moaning my name, sugar."

You gulped. Holy fuck.

That's probably how you found yourself in your current position. Your shirt was disposed of and your back hit the plush surface, which offered an amazing view of your girlfriend's now barely clad cleavage. Moxxi hovered above you, firmly planting her palms on either side of your head.

She began with your neck, attacking it with small pecks that soon became hungry bites, bruising you in places you can't see without a mirror. You clawed at her back as she traced her tongue over your sweet spot and nibbled on it. You felt her thighs straddle you and her hands wander down your biceps, then to your abdomen. Your back jolted up as she bit down full force and a moan ripped from your throat.

"That didn't sound like my name, now did it, sugar?" Moxxi teased.

Your cheeks turned from pink to crimson at that, but was quickly dismissed as she traced her tongue over your collarbone, down, down...until you felt her tongue swirl one of your nipples.

When the fuck did she take your bra off?

Her tongue swirled and sucked, adding a graze of teeth in every few seconds. It felt heavenly, but you wanted, no, you needed more.

"M-Mox..." You cleared your throat as best you could without releasing a sexual noise. "More."

Just as you said that, she took your nipple between her teeth and ground them together, causing you to buck your hips and arch your back. Obviously admiring the action, Moxxi repeated her own movements with your opposite breast, eliciting the same arch as before.

Moxxi trailed butterfly kisses from your nipples down to the waistband of your shorts, in which she unbuttoned and took them off of you, leaving you in you both in your panties.

How...When did she ever get undressed?

"Moxxi..." You breathed.

Moxxi kissed your stomach. "Yes, sugar?"

"F-fuck." You squeaked out, feeling two fingers run over your folds through your underwear.

"You'll have to be clearer than that."

"Fuck...F-fuck me." You managed to say, grabbing the pillow your head is currently resting on for support.

Moxxi hummed, but didn't say anything. Instead, she lifted you up again, and took your panties completely off.

"Your wish is my desire, sugar." She winked and thrusted two fingers into you. You threw your head back and writhed in pleasure as electric jolts shot through your body. Just when you thought it couldn't get more intense, her head dove down and you felt a slick muscle on your clitoris.

Two fingers pumped in and out of you at a steady pace while she suckled on your love bud, causing you to moan uncontrollably and grip the pillow tighter than before. Her fingers spread this way and that, spreading your walls enough for her to enter another finger, filling you completely.

"Moxxi!!" You squirmed as she continued her gesticulations, driving you closer and closer to the edge.

As soon you were about to come, she removed her fingers and sucked each of them clean while you gulped at how hot she looked doing it. Yes, she practically denied your orgasm, but fuck.

However, your moment of rest didn't last that long, for she was back down there, but this time he tongue was pleasuring your slit instead of her fingers. The latter could be found fondling your breasts with ease, pinching in all the right places.

"Moxxi!" You moaned out, her tongue diving into your pussy like a knife into butter. It felt so warm.

You bit your lip as she kept tongue fucking you at an increasing speed, building your climax up faster than before.

"Moxxi...Mox...I'm close, I'm so close, baby." At least you weren't slurring anymore.

Moxxi hummed again and sent you hurling through your release, in which you screamed her name just like she told you to.

"Moxxi!" You screamed, coming all over Moxxi's face. She smirked and licked it all up, making sure your nether regions would pass for a cleaning inspection.

Moxxi waited until you were done shaking before laying next to you, propped up on one elbow with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Don't even say it." You said, sending her a glare.

"...I said moan my name, not scare off the entire bar." She mused, making your glare more apparent.

"And I said give me attention, not send me to cloud nine." You returned, in which she smiled. You couldn't help but do the same.


"Now, get over here. It's time for you to moan my name." You said, climbing on top of her.

It was going to be a long night.



Also if anyone could teach me how to write a sex scene or just write in general slide in my dms please thank you

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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