Chapter Twenty Nine. Lull.

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Time and space expanded from Cecil and his mind grasped at understanding, like a baby grabbing at anything within reach. He was deep within the Heterochromic trance absorbing the power of the Preceptors surrounding him and was dimly aware of them as he gazed into past, present and future. It swilled around him like a storm. The power and understanding of this forbidden spell which the ancient Casters had deemed far too dangerous, was just out of reach, as if Cecil could almost conceive the key of it all.

He needed more time. Reports had come in from Andrill and Feldor. Both cities were under siege by the Shadowed Ones and their all too human commanders. No one was sure how long they could hold. There was no word about Garek and the others as of yet and Cecil worried. It was affecting his concentration.

He shook his head, or at least within his mind he shook it. In the trance he had no form. He was just there. He reached further into the space of nothingness and it stretched on for eternity.

Cecil opened his eyes and looked down at the open scroll lying on the floor. The scribbling text was a blur that bent his mind. After all this time only a fraction was legible to him. He sighed. “At this rate I’ll have it mastered in a hundred years or so.”

“We don’t have that long Cecil,” the Lord Caster grunted

“I know dammit,” Cecil growled with frustration. As soon as the words were out he regretted it.

“Perhaps it is time for a much needed rest,” the Lord Caster said looking at the Preceptors who surrounded Cecil.

“About time too,” Gael snorted. “Feels like we are just standing here waiting for the shadows to knock down the door and slaughter us all.” She pointed strongly at the door. “We should be out there, helping to defend the cities from these vile creatures.”

“Stars Gael, you know that this is more important than anything that’s happening on the surface.” Kogu glared at Gael, his blonde hair shinning in the reflected glow of the Essense gems.

“Gael,” Nec said stepping forwards. “If we don’t help Cecil then in the end there will be no cities to defend, no people. Nothing.” He pushed his spectacles further up his nose.

Gael hesitated. “Bah!” She threw up her hands. “I’m just frustrated. I want to be up there on the front lines, making a difference.”

“Being down here you will be making the most difference you possibly could,” the Lord Caster said, his deep voice bouncing off the walls and amplifying. “Only when we are done here will I allow you to go above and aid the people in their struggle. This is for the greater good Gael.”

Gael nodded solemnly. “Yes Lord Caster. I apologise.”

“So young…” Cecil said softly.

“Get some rest everyone. We will meet back in here first thing tomorrow.” The Lord Caster said. The Preceptors murmured their farewells and exited the room.

Cecil felt a hand on his arm and he looked up to see Dott’s smiling face above him. “Mind if I escort you back to your room, my dear?”

Cecil nodded and allowed Dott to help him up, grunting at the pain that shot through his legs and back. He felt like he had aged another fifty years since getting here. Could the forbidden spell be doing this to him? Dott’s arm wrapped around his, and with a nod to the Lord Caster, he let himself be ushered towards the door.

“Thank you Dott,” Cecil murmured.

Dott’s warm smile lit up her face. “You’ll come back to my room Cecil and I’ll ease your pain and aches. Does that sound pleasing?”

“Oh Dott, you don’t have to do that.”

“Don’t be silly dear, it’s the least I can do for the saviour of the world.”

Cecil snorted. “You are already doing enough lending me your heterochromatic powers for the forbidden spell.”

Dott patted his arm gently. “I won’t take no for an answer.”

He gazed into her green eyes and all he could see was kindness and love. “Then I won’t say no,” he sighed.

He was led through the long hallways of the tower until they finally made it to Dott’s chambers. The sitting rooms were lit by dull Essense gems on metal holders on the walls. Her furniture was simple and covered by hand knit rugs and blankets.

Dott led him through the next door into the bedroom and lowered Cecil onto the soft bed. “You wait right here dear, I’ll be right back,” she said before disappearing back into the sitting room.

Cecil looked around Dott’s bedchamber. It was simple and tidy with picturesque paintings covering the walls. He lay back and felt the silk sheets under him, smooth and slippery.

She returned carrying a few small bottles in her hands. She places them on the bedside table and turned to Cecil. “Take off your shirt dear and lie down on your front.” Her eyes began to glow.

Cecil slowly took his shirt off then spread out down on his stomach. Dott’s fingers attacked the tightened muscles in his back and he groaned in pained pleasure. He could feel it in combination with her healing Heterochromancy and it felt like he was melting.

“It feels like I have a lot of work to do, my dear Cecil,” her whispering voice licked at his ears.

Cecil chuckled. “I guess you’ll be here a while.”

She patted his shoulder. “I will do my best.”

Slowly and surly she made her way around his back, her fingers rubbing his muscles into a relaxed submission. She hummed a lullaby as she went, causing Cecil’s eyelids to become heavy. After what seemed like an eternity she tapped his shoulder. “Time to do the bottom.”

Cecil agreed sleepily and allowed Dott to remove his pants.

After she was done with the second half she flipped him over. She kissed his lips softly.

“Dott I…” Cecil began groggily.

“Shhh my dear, I will take care of you.” Dott slid on top of him and they made love, long and tender. Cecil thought it the perfect farewell before their inevitable deaths.


Dott rolled off Cecil with a sigh. For a long while they just lay, breathing deep after their release. “I hope that was okay my dear, it’s been awhile.”

“I’m afraid it has been for me too,” Cecil chuckled. “I think we did fine.” He turned his head and smiled.

Dott propped herself on her elbow. “You’ll sleep well now I hope.”

“Oh yes.” Cecil yawned and didn’t resist the weight of his eyelids. His whole body felt lighter than air and he prepared to glide away on pleasant dreams.

He felt a kiss on his cheek. “Goodnight, my love.”

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