Chapter Forty. Last Line.

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General Neu looked down at the battle atop a high rooftop in the noble district. They had funnelled the Shadowed Ones into the wide gates, reducing their numbers a thousand fold. The Casters had made the walls rise into the sky, preventing anything from climbing over.

Men fought desperately on the front lines, screaming and hacking at any dark beast that crossed the threshold. More men stood on nearby roofs and fired arrows into the black mass with no need to pick targets.

Prince Cayne growled next to the general, pacing back and forth. “When is the commander of these disgusting things going to show himself?”

“Patience my prince,” General Neu said. “If they want to speed things up they need to take care of this wall. That should bring one of these Beings of Chaos out.”

“Are the Casters ready?” Impatience was thick in Prince Cayne’s voice.

“They know the plan,” General Neu assured. “All we have to do is distract the commander.”

The battle raged on as they waited. General Neu couldn’t help but feel nervous despite all his experience and training. They was something different about fighting an enemy you had no information on except that they weren’t human.

There!” Prince Cayne cried as he pointed.

General Neu grunted as he saw the black mass parting for a lone figure. The Being of Chaos’ hips swung as it walked, holding a thin sword at its side.

“A woman?” Prince Cayne scoffed. “This should be no problem.”

The woman had short hair and her entire body was clad in shining armour, her helm held under her arm. Her bronze skin shone in the starlight.

“Let’s move.” General Neu turned and made his way down the ladder at the side of the building. They broke into a jog towards the fight. General Neu slipped his helm onto his head and made sure his sword was free in its scabbard.

“I shall fight this womanly being first and save the city from destruction,” Prince Cayne announced between huffs.

“That is not a good idea my prince,” General Neu warned. “We should attack together and let the Casters work their spell as we planned.”

“I don’t need any Casters to help defeat a weak and frail woman,” Prince Cayne sneered.

General Neu gritted his teeth. Star blind this noble fool. Out loud he said: “That is no woman my prince, this is a beast of untold power. We don’t know what to expect. It may be able to magic your head off with a single word.”

“I am the royalty here, we’ll do as I say,” The prince said, ending the argument.

General Neu grabbed Prince Cayne and slammed him against the nearest wall, cracking the brick behind him. “Listen to me my prince,” he growled. “You going in and fighting alone is compromising the plan. Do you really want the death of this city and everyone in it being on you because you were too arrogant to follow a simple plan? What would the queen think if she found out just before she gets cut down by a mass of beasts? Hmm? Her last thoughts of you before she is slain will not be good ones.”

Prince Cayne breathed out loudly through his nose, glaring at the general.

“What would your father think if he were here?” General Neu said.

He would do the same!” Prince Cayne spat. General Neu let go of the prince, letting him crash to the ground. The prince scrambled up with as much dignity as he could muster. “You bastard son,” he sneered, his face twisted in anger. “I will prove to you that I can do this.” He turned and resumed his run to the battlefield. “I will prove it to everyone!

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