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Part 22

If You'll Just Let Me Know
I'd like to serve You better, Lord – tonight! What action could I here and now perform? Would being still and silent be all right? Could I somebody's chilly spirit warm? Whatever You would have me do, I'll do; I'll love my enemies, as you command. I'll comfort some poor person feeling blue; with help from You, I'll show I understand. Lord, please, this willing heart o' mine inspire, and thank You here and now for doing so! Whatever service You may now require, I'll get it done, if You'll just let me know!

Love and Follow Through
Our worshiping of idols is insane, a madness murderous, and greedy, too. To cop to Truth, so often we disdain, and choose instead to go without a clue. Contrarily and angrily, we sin; at least, it seems I all too often do. And still I claim that love is gonna win! Lord, help me choose ta love ...and follow through! And enjoy some laughs, too! Please, and thank You!

Believers, Unite!

When folks indulge in crazy politics, I often fail at understanding why. Like people's cruel presidential picks – seems like they've kissed their common sense goodbye! So often voters tend ta think they're wise, that they are doing what is best ta do – but choose some wolves in helpful people's guise, who lead us down to hell without a clue! Let's all repent, and turn toward Christ the Lord, and let's not shuck ourselves the slightest bit! Why madly race toward hell, gas pedal floored, believing there's no wall we'll ever hit? What will it take until we understand? The time for humankind is running out! The time for waking up is still at hand, why linger still in silly fears and doubt?

Food Before Facebook
Folks' crazy politics may frighten me, especially when I thought those folks were cool. But though the mountains fall ...and fill the sea, I still don't have ta be a raving fool! On Jesus' love I can each day rely ...and feel His presence deep inside my heart – and be a calm and understanding guy, who does his faithful, kind, and patient part. Can't I?


Why idolize a monkey, anyway? Obama, Clinton, Bush, and Reagan, too? I think idolaters tend not to wait and pray, and so they often tend to lack a clue. Am I right?

To Some Media Addicts

You disobey the Lord, night after night. You entertain yourself with senseless lies. In self-indulgence only fools delight! Why buy and eat your nonsense super-size? Lord Jesus, help us never take offense! Please, help us practice mercy all-the-time! Please, help us realize that love 's good sense, it helps the lover reach a state sublime! Lord, thank You very much for being here! I don't know what I'd do without You near.

Question Authority

If you believe your parents' every lie ...and all those superstitious preachers said, it's mental freedom you yourself deny. Reality and truth ya tend ta dread! From fearfulness the Lord the sinner saves – from all the poisons that the sinner craves! And ain't that good? All the best, Steve

I'm Telling You

When I lost everything, I turned to Christ; I found that He my desperate need sufficed. I need assistance, Lord, again, today; so, very patiently I'm gonna wait and pray. Help me do this, Lord! Thank You! In Jesus' name, I pray, amen

Anger Is Murder

Now, I believe that anger 's murder, friends. And though the killers feel it's justified, it's murder that the hateful ones intend. And they've begun, themselves, to die inside!

Let's Love

Now, evildoing isn't healthy stuff, and lying damages the human heart. A greedy person never has enough; it's loving-kindness, friends, that's truly smart. Let's love the Universe with all our hearts, let's love the Lord, ourselves, our neighbors, too. We'll see that harmony through loving starts, and people's dreams of peace and joy come true.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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