Leon Discovers Memes

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Oh No entered the chat

Oh No: k I'm back

Oh No: and why did u change my name

Oh No: and why are you guys talking about possessed robots wtf

Tired AF: don't

Tired AF: ask

Garchomp_Hoe: one of us

Death: one of us

Oh No: oh no

Tired AF: now you see why

FairyBoy entered the chat

Smol_Child entered the chat

FairyBoy: fnaf is ded

Garchomp_Hoe: I'm sorry

Garchomp_Hoe: w h a t


Death: *grabs flamethrower* how about that roasted fairy

FairyBoy: you wouldn't dare

Tired AF: she would

Garchomp_Hoe: Garchomp hasn't had a snack in a while

FuckingDragon entered the chat

FuckingDragon: what'd the fairy do now

Smol_Child: he's angered the cryptids

Tired AF: I'm not angry

Garchomp_Hoe: I'm not a cryptid

Garchomp_Hoe: Marnie look Hop's gonna die with his bf

Death: Morpeko is also hungry

Smol_Child: oh shit

Oh No: language

Smol_Child: oh hecc

Oh No: I'm not sure if that's better or not

FuckingDragon: Leon you're too uncultured to be here

Tired AF changed Oh No's name to UnculturedSwine

Tired AF: better

UnculturedSwine: seriously

UnculturedSwine: One, that's childish. Two, why is my name getting changed so much?

FuckingDragon: because you're vulnerable

UnculturedSwine changed FuckingDragon's name to Betrayal

Betrayal: no, no — he's got a point

Smol_Child: eyyyy Emperor's New Groove reference

UnculturedSwine: I'm not gonna ask

Death: prepared to die?

Smol_Child: please by all means take me away

Garchomp_Hoe: hold up stop drawing the pentagrams my child has become suicidal again

FairyBoy: babe no

Smol_Child: qwq

UnculturedSwine: Hop do u need help

Garchomp_Hoe: kill all Steelix until he is better

Betrayal: oh no not the Steelix

A Very Cringeworthy Chatfic (OLD AND CANCELLED)Where stories live. Discover now