she is just too much * facepalm*

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* normal pov*

Carl, Daryl, and ( y/n) finnly get to the prison. Carl trys to left her out of the car but it was hard because she has blood all over her shirt know. Daryl puts a hand on his shoulder " I'll help u ok" he grabs her legs and they walk in to the prison

*Rick pov*

I see Carl and turn " hey " I turn to see Carl and daryl carry ( y/n) in covered in..... blood?? I run over" daryl Carl what happened!?!?" Carl crying a little still " she was bit by a walker. she well be fine, but Herschel needs to close it before she loose to much blood." I help them bring her there. Herschel saw ( y/n) and when wide eyes " what happened!?" Rick " she was bit we need u to close it " Herschel" all right"

~ (y/n) finaly woke up after 4 long hours ~

* ( y/n) pov*

" grrr what the fuck my arm hurts" Carl hears me voice and looks up at me full of love and worrie " (y/n) your up!!!!" He runs over and hugs me. Me " ya I know cowboy but watch out the arm" carl rubs the back of his neck " he he ya your arm" I roll my eyes and get up. Carl " wo (y/n) what are y doing. U shouldn't be getting up. " me " Carl I got bit on my arm. Ok its not like if i just crushed by a car. I'm fine." I get off the bed and feel a light head. Carl raps his arms around hey waist. Carl " I told u u shouldn't try to get up right now" me " Carl I lost some blood of course I'm light headed u need to stop being so over protective " Carl thinks for a little " hmmm. Nope" me " car-" Carl turns me around and kisses me, than breaks off. me " what what was that!?!?" Carl" what your my cowgirl I can kiss u if I like" Carl takes off his hat and puts it on me. He laughs" ya that hat is way cuter on u" I'm shocked. Completely shocked.... Carl fucking grimms took off his hat!! And puts it on me. Me of all people well I am his cowgirl so..... I guess it's cool..... XD.

* Carl pov*

(Y/n) " hey want to go read the comics books we found" o ya we found comic books. Me " sure" (y/n) starts running up the stairs I run after her . We get to the stairs and she starts run up. I look up......... big mistake..... I look up and dam her for wearing that skirt I see her..... cute ( fav/color) underwear and get a nosebleed. ( y/n) looks back " Carl u OK?? O your bleeding well I guess your not" she goes to the side of me and hands me some tissue paper" thanks were u fined this" (y/n) " at the place we ransack" me " oh I see" (y/n) " hey Carl why did your noise start bleeding??" S-She dont know....

Dam she is just too much I facepalm. (Y/n) " Carl why did u do that for. " me " ummmm I done know races you up stairs" I start running. (Y/n) " hey no fair!!" Sale starts running too.

( sorry this is soooo short I'm sick and I felt bad I haven't updated. So I just wanted to weight something for u people. So ya I hope u like; 3)

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