George's POV: Some Sort of Fantasy

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Rich was standing over me, obviously not expecting to see me the way he saw me. He was wearing a white t-shirt and baggy grey sweatpants. His blue eyes were filled with concern. "What the hell happened to you?" he asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I stood up, and I could tell he could smell the alcohol on me. "Fine. Henry and his friends weren't thirsty, so this happened."

"George." He put his hand on my shoulder, and I felt chills going through me. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

Reluctantly, I followed Rich as he led me to a bedroom with pastel grey walls and white blankets on the bed. The pillows were black, and looked extremely soft. He opened another door and walked me into a bathroom with a shower.

"Clean yourself off, then we'll go from there," he told me.

"I don't like the sound of 'we'll go from there,' Rich." He rolled his eyes.

"Just get in the shower. I'll take care of the clothes." I raised an eyebrow. "Close the door, put a towel on, and hand me the dirty stuff. I'll wash them."

"Why do you even care?" I asked. I really was curious. "You've been teasing me all this time, and just stood around when I got hurt."

He grinned at me, and I blushed. "Sometimes, a guy just does stupid stuff." He left the room, closing the door behind him.

The shower was okay, but the whole time I was asking myself questions. Why should I trust Rich? What's with the sudden kindness? What happens after my shower? It was exhausting.

I walked back into the bedroom with a towel on to find Rich on the bed, no longer wearing his shirt. His muscles were so defined, and I couldn't help but let out a sigh. He looked up from his phone, tossing me his shirt.

"You need pants."

"No shit." I made sure the towel was tied around my waist and put the shirt on. It was warm, and it smelled like cologne and pine. It fit pretty loosely on me, which I could tell amused him.

"Give me a second." Rich walked over to a closet in the corner of the room, digging through the drawers.

"You know this isn't your house, right?"

"Relax. Devon and I are super close." I just shook my head. Rich threw me a pair of red plaid pajama pants, and I walked into the bathroom again.

I came back out, and he ushered me to come sit with him on the bed. I was reluctant, but I did it anyway. He moved closer to me, and I felt my cheeks get hot.

"So explain something to me," I began. "What did you find fun about calling the openly gay kid 'handsome' and 'cute' all the time?"

Rich's smile quickly faded. "That's what you thought, huh? You thought I didn't mean it?" I nodded. "Wow, really?"

"I guess." I hated to admit it, but I suddenly felt like an idiot for making Rich the bad guy in all of this. "I dunno."

"George, let me tell you something about me." He lied me down on the bed next to him, and I looked him in the eye. "First of all, I have two of the most amazing dads ever, and they would kill me if I ever bullied the gay kid." My eyes went wide.


"Second, I'm actually a lot more like you than you think I am. Only difference is that I've been in the closet for basically a million years. And I would never think to pick on someone who's brave enough to share the secret I still can't get out."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Rich's icy expression gave me more chills, and I couldn't help but wonder what all of this was leading up to.

"One more thing worth mentioning: I really do think you're handsome. I think you're cute, I love your outfits, and all this time I was just trying to be honest with you." He took a deep breath. "George, I like you. Plain and simple."

"You... you do?" I was smiling like an idiot, but I couldn't help it. I didn't care anymore.

"I do. I like y--"

I hated interrupting him, but kissing him was all I had ever wanted.

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