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'I'm sinking, your waiting, I'm thinking something gotta give'Something's Gotta Give -ATL

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'I'm sinking, your waiting, I'm thinking something gotta give'
Something's Gotta Give -ATL

I wake up, way to close to the fire Fin built making me jump back which in turn make my arm throb. I groan setting up. I look around to see Jasper and Monty setting up but asleep holding each other up with their body weight. Octavia is close to the fire but not close enough to burn, Clarke is curled in a ball and Fin is propped up on a tree. Looks like I'm the only one awake.

We decided last night we would use a vine to swing across the river.

"Clarke, wake up." I say shaking her, her blond hair is matted with dirt and mine most likely looks just as bad. She roles over on her back, eyes fluttering open.

"Ready to do this thing and get it the fuck over with so I can eat?" I question. Clarke roles her eyes.

"Your always so worried about food, remember that time you talked me into helping you steal extra rations?" Clarke asked with a small laugh.

"I see how it is, leave out the time you convinced me to steal those two jackets. Clothsaholic." Clarke roles her eyes with a playful smirk.

"I missed you, foodaholic." I nod.

"I missed you too, let's get the others up I'm itching to make sure Celeste is okay." Clarke nodes her head.

I walk over to where the two dorks are propped against each other. "'Wake up you two, time to get this show on the road." I tell the two shaking Jasper with my good arm and then shaking Monty.

"I'm up!" Jasper says shaking his head Monty copying his actions. I role my eyes at the pair of boys.

Not even seconds later we were all around the vine. I was ready to push Fin over if he didn't hurry up and get his big boy panties on.

"Come on Fin, you wanted to go first so go," Clarke spoke. Taking the words completely out of my mouth.

"Okay I'm going," Fin announced. Getting ready to jump across.

"Wait," Jasper shouted suddenly drawing in all of the attention. He walks over to Fin and mumbled something I couldn't here befor Fin nods and hands him the vine.

What, Jasper's the youngest out of all of us, Fin's seriously just going to let him go first? The vine could break, there could be a seriously dangerous animal lurking over there. If the vine doesn't break I'm swinging across as soon as he lands. Jasper reminds me of Celeste. Sweet and innocent, at times also annoying but still. Jasper deserves to be protected.

Jasper swings across, and I have to say I'm impressed and the vine held. Jasper swings the vine back and I catch it swinging across as well. My arm throbbing as I hold on, putting most of my faith in my uninjured arm. I land less gracefully then Jasper did but manage to stay on my feet.

Jasper holds up a sign that says 'MOUNT WEATHER' smiling widely that we made it.

"I think you definitely impressed her," I whisper standing Infront of him. His smile widened. I gasped as something sharp impaled me. I look down to see blood running down my chest and Jasper's.

I fall forward Jasper falling backwards. I taste the coppery taste of blood in my mouth as it runs down my chin. I her Clarke and the others yelling but I can't make out what their saying.

Is this it? Did I make it to earth just to die by being impaled. A sharp pain goes throughout my whole body before my mind goes blank, my head dips forward, and my vision fades into nothingness.

I wake up suddenly with a scream. I look down an she that what was in me is now gone. I'm in a bed like thing with Jasper in a different one next to me. I try and get up but the pain in my chest is to much.

My lungs feel like their on fire and my head is pounding. Where am I? Who impaled Jasper and I? Why did they do it? Are they going to kill me? Am I going to be okay? Why did this have to happen? Is Celeste okay? Celeste, oh god I hope she's okay. Please let her be okay.

"Jasper," I stammered almost inaudible. My throat burns.

"Your awake, good. We will leave you some place for your people to find." A tall and bearded man stands towering over me. What language was that.

"I don't understand," I sputtered coughing at the end which makes my pain go to a completely different level.

"Take it easy, one of our people hit you with a spear." I nod slowly letting him know I understand.

"Is Jasper going to be okay," I ask my voice unsteady. The man nod his head.

"He should heal just fine, so should you." I nod. "This is medicine to help, I'm going to apply it. It will hurt," he warned. I shut my eyes and grit my teeth nodding for him to do it.

He applied the cold substance and at first it was fine, but after a few minutes my urge to scream starts slowly increasing as it burns.

"This will put you to sleep, drink it. By the time you wake you should be back with your people." He says handing me a vile of clear liquid. He wouldn't poison me right?

"Whats your name," I questioned in sudden curiosity.

"It's Nyko, drink, sleep, heal," He said commandingly. I look at the vile sceptical.

"Your people hit me with a spear, how do I know you're not trying to finish the job and poison me," I inquired. Still unsure about drinking the mysterious liquid in my hand.

"I'm not, if I was trying to finish you off I'd slit your throat. Now drink," He commanded. What he's saying dose seem plausible I mean I was asleep he could have easily killed me.

"Okay," I said simply. I open the vile and sniff it before tipping the bottle back and swallowing the liquid.

"It should take into affect in a few minutes. Your pain should get better soon. You won't see me again anytime soon," Nyko explained. I nod my head in response.

My body starts to feel light, like I'm space walking and the world starts to spin. My eyes feel heavy making my vision fade into nothingness.

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