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'Help I lost myself again'
Six Feet Under - Billie Eilish

I awoke to the sound of Clarke whispering to herself. I look over to see her taking out makeshift bandages and a goop like substance that must be medicine.

"Clarke," I whisper groggily. She turns at my voice and I see the tears built up in her eyes. "What's wrong," I questioned worriedly.

"Wells, the grounders. He let me hate him so I," Clarke's voice becomes choked as she holds in a sob. I get up ignoring the pain in my chest and the throb in my arm.

"I'm so sorry Clarke," I whisper setting down next to her and pulling her into a side hug. Wells and Clarke have been friends since I can remember. Though she would always make time for me, Wells and I didn't talk much.

"We just made up," she whispered her voice filled with sorrow and grief. I rub her back.

"It will get better ya know? Losing someone, you never truly lose them. Remember, you told me that," I tell her trying to find something to say to help her get through this.

"Yeah." She wiped her tears and scooted over. "Now it's doctor time, lift your shirt." She commanded. I obliged her command lifting my shirt off but shit it hurt to lift my arms.

Clarke noticed the wince and her face held a look of concern. She unraveled my bandage looking at the wound.

"It's alot better," She noted looking at the wound. She takes some of the goop and rubs it on there, it stings but not much. She puts the clean bandage on befor looking at my arm.

"Your arm will leave a scare I'm afraid I wasn't sure before, but hey it'll look cool." She laughs at the end rubbing some of the goop on my arm too.

"Yeah because who wants to have a slithering water creature bite them unless it leaves a scar," I joke sarcastically.

Clarke nods. "That's what I'm saying." We both laugh at that which wakes Jasper up.

"Morning." He mumbled sleepily. How can one person be so adorable let alone two. Him and Celeste both could kill with how adorable and innocent they are.

Neither of them deserve to be down here, fighting to live. But bad things happen, and people get over if. They get stronger and they grow from things that didn't kill them.

"Morning, let me take a look at you chest." Clarke leaves my side walking over to Jasper. I slip my shirt on and stand up. I bite back the slight pain in my chest and the slight fear of leaving the safety of the drop ship.

"I'm going to see Celeste." Clarke turns around instantly.

"Wait for me, you'll need help getting down the ladder," she sternly spoke. I nod sighing and setting down. Seconds later Octavia pokes her head up through the hatch.

"Hey you two, I was gonna see if Jasper wanted to come outside with me?" Octavia said with a smile.

"I don't know, the grounders are kinda out there." He said with a look of worry.

Clarke finished his bandaging and we leave Octavia to her convincing of Jasper to come outside. I honestly can't blame him, but I walked into my home every single day knowing I'd get hit surely going outside won't be half as hard.

The earth is so big sure there are grounders but so what? I went home and there was my father. He was unavoidable, grounders may be avoidable. Once I'm down on the first layer of the drop ship I steady myself on Clarke.

Troubled Highways (C.Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now