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'My V is for Vendetta, thought that I'd feel better. Now i gotta bellyache.'

bellyache - Billi Eilish

My body feels like it's in the air, I feel no pain though which I consider to be good. It's weird this since of relaxation, peacefulness. I know I'm hurt, I got a spear through my chest and my arm chewed on by a slithery swimming creature. So why? Why do I feel so relaxed.

I here a twig snap making me wish I could open my eyes, the relaxation going away as I try to fight it to get my eyes open. I can't though, I can't open my eyes and it's making me want to scream. I can't though I can't talk, or move. My body is unwilling to do what I want.

"Azriel! Jasper," I here the loud voice of none other than Clarke holler. The leaves start crunching faster and louder as I assume she's running over.

I here a yelp and I wish now more than ever I could just move and see what's going on.

"Bellamy help," Clarke says frantically. I here a grunt and I assume Clarke is okay because I feel the things around my wrists start to loosen and someone unties me.

"I promise you, your going to be okay Az." I want to tell her I'm fine, and Jasper's going to be fine to. I hate that I can't talk. How worried is Celeste.

"Incase you can here me, Celeste is okay. Worried about you but she's okay. I made her stay at camp so she wouldn't get hurt," Clarke spoke. Her words comforting me. Celeste is safe, that's enough for me to slip back into sleep the words around me fading into jumbled nothingness.

When I wake up again my chest hurts, and my arm hurts. Though both of them not as bad as before. My mouth feels like I'm chewing a cotton ball and my throat feels scratchy. I peel my eyes open to see Jasper beside me  awake and everyone around Jasper hugging him. Everyone included Monty of course, Octavia, Fin, Clarke, and Celeste.

"I'm up too ya know," I mumbled the words coming out dry. Celeste turns around and practically throws herself on top of me. I wince but hold it together seeing as it's Celeste.

"I told you to be careful! You never listen to me. I'm so glad your okay," she yell sobbed into my shoulder. "Like Jasper you got a lot worse before you got better! Murphy wanted to kill you," she continued sobbing more violently.

"Hey, I'm fine. See? I talking, breathing, hugging you. I told you we'd be fine. And I promise you I am fine. Sure I my chest and arm don't feel to good but hey I'm okay," I tell her my words having much more confidence then I myself actually have.

"You saved Jasper you know? The way you were standing stopped the spear from going into his heart. If you hadn't gone across and been standing there, Jasper would have died," Clarke spoke with a softness in her voice.

I look over at her, and then Jasper and see Jasper has an adorable look in his eyes. I smile slightly at the both of them.

"I'm glad your okay." Jasper said looking at his hands. I smile and nod.

"I'm glad you okay too Jasper, I'm glad your all okay." I whisper pulling Celeste close into me even though it hurts so bad the throbbing in my chest seems to travel throughout my whole body. Right now, I couldn't care less. I was okay, Celeste was okay, Clarke was okay, Jasper was okay, Octavia was okay. Hell even Monty who somehow got into my good graces, he was okay. Anyone that was remotely important to me was okay.

I don't know how I came to care about so many people, more people then I have ever cared about. For some reason I do, and I won't let any of them get hurt as long as I can help it.

"You two need to get some rest," Clarke sternly spoke as she pointed a finger at us.

"I just woke up," I said in a whiny voice.

"Don't act like a baby. Sleep," Octavia reinforced Clarke with a stern look. And I'm not gonna lie Octavia scared me.

Celeste laughed as I didn't say another word and lay down.

"I've never seen her stand down so easily," Celeste said with a lopsided smile.

"Neither have I," Clarke agreed.

"I have a strong effect on people, What can I say?" Everyone laughed at Octavia's words.

Everyone except for Jasper and I left.  I made myself as comfortable as possible which wasn't easy but I had a sleeping bag so it was easier then being without one.

I lay awake starring at the ceiling of the drop ship befor I hers whimpers coming from Jasper. He yelps setting up and grabbing his chest.

"Scoot your sleeping bag over here," I command. I'm about to do some usually only do for Celeste when she has nightmares. But Jasper reminds me so much of her, and I can't just let him not get any sleep.

Jasper scooted his sleeping bag next to mine quietly, seeming to be embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed, people get nightmares," I whisper putting my hand in his hair like I always did with Celeste. I start to hum one of my favorite songs quietly. Once I feel Jasper is fully asleep and his breathing is even I roll onto my side.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath trying to get myself to go to sleep. Everything is okay, I'm okay, the people I care about are okay. Bad things happen, and people get over the bad things that happen. I repeat those two things over and over again. Repeating the words that I'm trying to use to calm myself and lull myself to sleep. After a few times my eyes fall heavy and the thoughts in my head slowly dissolve.

Troubled Highways (C.Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now