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"So," Malai said awkwardly, "Byungchul, what do you like?"

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"So," Malai said awkwardly, "Byungchul, what do you like?"

Byungchul looked sideways at the girl before smiling.

"Well I'm a journalist so I travel a lot to get inside scoops about stuff," he said, "and well I enjoy writing. I originally wanted to be a News Reporter though."

"Why didn't you," Malai asked as she took a sip of her water.

"Personal reasons," he said, "I'll tell you sometime as I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other more and more."

Malai smiled.

Maybe he wouldn't be as hard to talk to as originally thought.

Throughout the night the two continued to talk.

"So when can I see you next," Byungchul asked as he got up to leave.

"I don't know," Malai said smiling and tucking her hair behind her ear. "But here's my number."

The two exchanged contacts and Byunchul left.

The girl, still not wanting to leave left and went to go sit at the bar.

"Just a water please," she asked in broken Korean.

Sure she had lessons in Korean and was pretty fluent, but she had never really used the language much before.

"One water coming up," the barista said.

He was tall with light brown hair parted in the middle with a slight wave.

When he came back, instead of walking off, he stood and leaned over the counter.

"So who was that you were just talking to," he asked.

"Uhm my soulmate," she said nervously.

"Oh," he said, "uhm ok but be careful I guess. He's just always flirting with girls and being real touchy, even if they're obviously not into him. I just never get good vibes from him."

"And you know so much about him," Malai said, immediately defending him.

"Well I mean he's here like EVERY night and I work here," he said, "so I'd think I'd pick up a few of his habits."

Malai's eyes widened before taking another sip.

"I mean I just met him tonight," she said shyly, ashamed of her sudden outburst.

"Hey man it's fine," he said, "I get it. I'd be acting the same way if someone started telling me my new found soulmate was a flirt. I'm Johnny by the way."

He held out his hand as if she was going to shake it.

Instead, to confused him, she gave him a high five. His face contorted to one of confusion and awkwardness, slowly taking his hand away and sticking it in his pocket.

"I hope I'll see more of you," he said. "Your... interesting."

"Rather be interesting than be a boring millionaire," she said.

"But if you think about it," he said, "you'd have to do something interesting to be a millionaire."

"Not always."

Johnny raised an eye brow before some couple at the other side of the bar called him.

"See ya later," he said then slipped her a piece of paper.

On it, it had his number, then in sloppy Korean it said:


Malai grinned before putting the number inside her back pocket.

Maybe this wouldn't be too bad.

So she's settling in.

And we have... JOHNNY

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