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Malai let her mother lock her in her room

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Malai let her mother lock her in her room.

The walls still had the sickening pink wallpaper, except now it was peeling off the walls due to old age. Malai's old toys and dolls from her childhood were scattered around the room, fingernail polish stains on the dresses of the dolls from when she became a preteen.

On the rug was a coffee stain from when she had first entered high school and her mom and thrown it off her nightstand it wasn't good for teenagers and would throw off her presentation to the public.

Everything about the room brought back memories of her parents being asses.

They thought they were showing their love by being generals and controlling her life, saying they were giving her a better future. They were only hindering her.

She wanted to see Prasong.

She went to open the door but quickly realized she had been locked in. 

Then she remembered the vent.

She dove under her bed and pulled out a small step stool, and let it under the vent. Stepping onto the stool, Malai took the vent cover off and pressed her face to the best of her ability to it.


She hoped her voice could echo through the vents into his room like it used to. She hoped he was awake and their to hear her.

"Prasong," she whispered again, but this time louder.

"Malai," Prasong responded.

His vent was in the floor while Malai's was in the ceiling.

"Prasong are you good," Malai said.

"I'm fine," he said, "parental guidances are pissed but as a 13 year old gay boy I'm hanging in there. You?"

"I'm locked in," she replied, "I have no clue what they're planning."

"I have a clue," Prasong said through the vent. "Well one Mrs. Wongsaraya is planning to dye your hair black again, and something about a press conference."

"Great," Malai murmured, "anything on the conference?"

"No," he said, "all I know is that your going and that there's a script."

Malai sighed.

"Prasong what time is it," she asked, "Female Wongsaraya took my phone and clock away from me."

"It's around 11:40 at night," he said, "male Wongsaraya should be home soon."

Malai cursed.

"Go to bed little shit," she said, "we don't wanna get caught."

"Fuck you," Prasong said, "and please, Malai, please choose your words carefully. Your back home, everyone is watching now whether you like it or not."

Malai sighed and closed the vent.

She hid the step stool under her bed and ripped off the hoodie.

She looked in the mirror.

For once she had used to like what she saw.

The lip piercing, the purple hair, the no makeup and her own chosen clothes. She liked the fact that she could wear a sports bra because it fitted the outfit she chose and she wasn't wearing a fancy blouse or dress shirt.

Malai turned around and looked at her back.

The mark was there.

The two hand prints from where Ten had shoved her.

Right underneath her sports bra strap the two small hand prints where he had shoved her to get the last plate of dessert.

Then she looked at her wrist.

The hand print that wrapped around it.

She saw a tear drop fall on her jeans. She messily opened her makeup drawer in hopes she'd find an old bottle of foundation or concealer from high school.

She was in luck. She ripped out the bottle and pour about half of it on her wrist, the skin toned makeup dripping off of her wrist and onto the carpet. She grabbed a brush and pressed the liquid into her skin, her mark going away, the makeup doing its use.

"Fuck you Byungchul," she cursed under her breath, "fuck you mother and father, fuck you body guards, fuck you life, fuck you destiny."

Then something else caught her eye.

She realized what it was.

Her first sign of rebellion.

It was from high school.

A stick and poke.


people filling trumps insta with fairy comments god bless you.

Like I said in Adomania you can help support Black Lives Matter in anyway possible. Please help. I may not be black but I still support this whole movement. It's so powerful and important for people to see and understand what's going on and to help. This bullshit has gone on way to long and it's time for change.

You can help in so many ways, but please sign petitions and help in anyway that is best for you.

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