chapter 1

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infinity. it can go on forever. and most people think they can live for infinate amount of years, but really they cant. yet there are the lucky few that can. my name is Skyla Perkins and I am that lucky few.

my story began when I was only 7 years old. my mother was trying to keep me alive because at the time I had lung cancer and it wasn't going away, and my mom and dad have been trying a year after my older brother was born, he was five when I was born. when the doctors gave up on trying, cause we were poor and couldn't afford it, my mom went to a more secritive, the supernatural help. yes odd right? witches, vampires, werewolves oh my! Yah not really, my mother is a nature fairy so shes connected to the supernatural community.

so she took me to this ancient pack, as a last resualt. the pack leader told my mom that just the wolf blood wouldn't heal me and the cancer would come back. so they would have to join the wolf blood with vampire blood to completely heal me. but with my mom being alive and against the vampire community, because they are basically dead, was against it. so her opinion really didn't matter cause she wanted me to live more than anything. anyway they did an old ritual to take away my sickness and replace it with something else. the wolf gift, Yah I get to change into a big dog when ever I want, well not exactly I was too weak to change so they put my wolf on dorment till my 16th birthday. but I was way toweak to even survive the ritual with out the help of the head vampire, so before the ritual he gave me blood so I would heal faster. mom was not happy.

long story short, cause there is a lot more, I am now a half bread between vampire and werewolf kinda one of a kind. it sounds complicate but really its noy, I get the healling, super strength and hearing also super speed, but I cant shift till I'm 16. which is in 2 months.

while I'm telling you my life, might as well tell you that my dad died in a plain crash when I was 6 and my older brother Jacob was 11, hes also human. when I was 10 my mother remarried to a water elf, jackson, which they ended up having twins, Ella and Aaron. since my mom and Jackson are both supernal the twins are too, Ella is a watter fairy while Aaron is a elemental elf. Yah a lot has happened since I was young, lost my dad in the middle of my cancer life, mom remarried, had twins, and I'm a junior in high school that has this big secret that I will be a full hybrid in a few months. yah fun! not really.

So now ur pretty much caught up on my life story. oh wait I forgot to mention that nobody can know I'm a hybrid, cause no one has ever seen or heard of one before, cause they will try to kill me, well that's what my mom thinks. so yah now I think u are!

I know it's not that good right now but trying to work it out. tell me what u think about it I would really like what u think and ideas/commentary on this book.


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