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He stared at me quizzically for a moment. "What decision?"

"If i'm going to come with you, or stay here. I really want to come, I'm just scared I'm going to be leaving my entire future behind." I sat up, wrapping the sheet tighter around my torso.

"Have you thought about pushing school back a semester? You can come for a couple months then go off to uni, best of both worlds kinda thing."

My eyes widened for a moment, and I tilted my head. How did I not think of that?

"Okay." I smiled at him.


"I'll come."

A huge grin made its way onto Harry's face. He sat up and kissed me, then leaned his head on my shoulder.

"I'll have to figure out what to do with work though, and find a way to tell Rick I'm quitting." I breathed. "How long are you staying in the US for?" A thought came to my mind.

"October fourteenth is the last show here, why?"

"I could stay here and work for a bit, then come. I've seen most of America already, would it be okay if I came after that? That way I wouldn't be quitting my new job so soon, and it gives me time to figure my school stuff out."

It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I should have confided in Harry from the start, he always knew how to help.

"I think that's a great idea Bella. Is this what you've been worrying about? You've been a bit off the past few days, I was getting worried."

"I guess so. I was just so confused and worried and scared." I sighed. "But I love you. Thank you for helping me figure this out Harry."

He smiled at me and pecked my cheek. "I love you too Bella. Forever and always,"

"You're so cheesy," I giggled, poking his nose.

"But you love it."

"That I do Haz. That I do."

We spent a couple more hours stealing kisses and whispering sweet nothings to each other. I loved our loved, and the way that Harry loved me.

What we had felt surreal, as if every moment we spent together, every memory we made and kiss we shared, would disappear into thin air. After my last relationship, I was left feeling like I would not be able to trust anybody, nevermind get into another relationship. It was crazy how far we came in the small amount of time we spent together. Sometimes I thought we were moving too fast, but then I remembered that I had never been loved unconditionally by anyone. The way Harry made me feel was unexplainable, it was like every time he touched me electricity coursed through my veins and butterflies danced in my stomach. It seemed like Harry was too good to be true.

But it wasn't; he was here, and he was mine.

We were packing up my bedroom right now, well, Harry was putting various things from my closet into boxes while I stood by and admired him.

"What are you thinking about, baby?"

"Oh you know, just how lucky I am to have this one man in my life." I smiled, gathering some blankets and folding them.

"I hate to break it to you Bella, but I think he's the lucky one if he has you."

"Nah, the other way around. He makes me so happy and I'm completely in love with him, I'd actually love for you to meet him sometime."

Harry giggled and walked over to me, passionately kissing me.

"I'm completely, utterly in love with you Isabella."

"And I'm in love with you, Harold."

"Now, lets get more done and then we can go get food, I'm not sure about you but I'm starving." He walked back over to the box he was working on, taping it and putting it in the pile with boxes that we already filled.

We ended up getting the majority of the packing I needed to do done. Once the Styles family was out of my house I was going to be moving back into my parents house because my lease was up at the end of the month anyways.

Life was moving quickly, and even though I was excited I found myself being a tiny bit scared. But I was happy, so I wouldn't complain.

We were now sitting on my couch, eating chinese takeout and watching Wheel of Fortune.

"Stupid bitch! It was literally 'I've got a good feeling about this' I swear to god I'm smarter than anyone on these stupid shows! Bloody hell," I yelled at the television.

Harry sat back laughing at my reaction. He thought the situation to be quite funny, while I found the situation to be frustrating. The people playing were most definitely not the brightest.

"I'd like to solve the puzzle, 'I've got a good feeling about this',"

"See! I told you! They're all morons!"

Harry's laughter became stronger, and rang through my ears. Soon, I found myself laughing with him. We sat on the couch, my legs resting on top of his, both of us laughing like complete idiots.

How I wish this could have lasted forever.

falling - harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now