Aruani - Own It, Arlert ♡

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Helloo! I hope all is well, I hope you are all in good health. I feel like things will only get better if you focus less on this virus and less on whatever the media is going on about, and that's just what I intend on helping you with while I likewise help myself in getting distracted. 

Hella long, by the way. Enjoy.

"Children have one kind of silliness, as you know, and grown-ups have another kind."

- C.S. Lewis

"Lion King was amazing." Connie sobbed fakely, stealing a mass of popcorn kernels that Sasha was about to pop in her mouth.

"Hey!" she fought with him on the couch. "Oh, real nice."

"I'll have you know that only I know how to eat these without choking on them." Connie asserted, gently gnawing on them.

"You've seen this like over 300 times, man." Reiner scoffed without an effort to sound insulting.

"Connie, you're in for a treat if you think Lion King was the saddest. I'd probably give it to Lilo & Stitch." Jean commented, earning Marco's agreement.

"A movie that's made you cry once will always be a movie to remember," Bertholdt uttered. "Disney does that on purpose."

Connie nodded, watching as Eren crawled up to inspect through the DVD collection in the mid-center of the coffee table. "That sounds about right."

Sasha sighed, laughing faintly in between her words. "Please, Eren, don't put Cinderella next. That's gonna be the third time today that you sing that one damn song."

"Put The Little Mermaid on!" Christa rallied.

Annie smiles a little, noticing the change in requests. She noticed how freely Christa's pale ankles laid as she leaned beside Ymir on the floor. It made her wonder if she could ever have ankles like that, with no care in the world, and no second-guessing what the others would say about her attitude.

Eren hums, picking up three DVD cases, pointing at each of them in a boggled decision. "Bippity... boppity... boo!" he threw up Cinderella in the air. "Darn... we are kinda limited though, aren't we?" he clenched his teeth together. "That's kind of it, you guys," he concluded.

Armin smiled at their feet, since, yes, he had the lower hand, literally, with his back against the front of the couch, and he wasn't wholly debating over something insignificant like they were. "I bet most of us are hungry anyway for more than just popcorn, right? Eren?"

"Let's go prepare everything in the kitchen." Eren led the gang to the kitchen, or mostly everyone since Armin tried to find Eren's stash of other films.

Annie lingered after hearing Mikasa strike up a conversation with Armin.

"Looking for something, Armin?" Mikasa asked.

"Well, it really seems Carla kept a lot of Disney movies ever since Eren was little, right?" Armin glanced at the raven girl curiously, containing a small laugh at memories of their childhood.

Annie kept her distance, standing among the coffee table, where she gazed around the framed pictures of the Jaeger family, occasionally coming across photos of Armin and Eren together as younger kids.

"Eren's always been funny that way." Mikasa smiled softly. "I spent a whole night with him once, just watching the same movies."

Armin nodded. "Family can be so good to us... but then we'd never feel tired."

"Then, I never want to sleep again," Mikasa responded.

Armin laughed gently, wondering how she could be so fixated on Eren. He brushed it off; nothing to think about there.

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