Part Four

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I watched to young men enter the palace from afar. I knew that even if he came, there would be no way to identify him right away. I crashed onto my bed and gazed at the intricately placed tiles on my bedroom ceiling. I could choose to look at the forms, but it would be no use, the forms didn't have pictures, only castes, names, ages, and provinces. Because I only know that he's from Carolina, and what he looked like, the forms would be just another wall for me to run into. I was supposed to be isolated for a day until I could meet the men.
"Thank you, Sir... Dawson?" I said, standing up and curtsying.
"Ah, yes, same to you, Princess Eadlyn."
I crashed back onto the love seat, 10 down, 20 to go. I sighed as the next candidate walked up. I had already gone through 10 tedious interviews, I didn't want to do the next one. I was looking towards the other people that I had yet to interview. As if on cue, I stood up and curtsied, keeping my gaze averted towards the tile floor. I formally sat down and looked up, expecting another typical "handsome" face. But I didn't. Instead, I saw piercing blue eyes, soft caramel hair, beautifully tanned skin, and a impish grin. My jaw dropped as he bowed.
"My name is Greyson, I am a 6 from Carolina, I believe we have met before."
"How-what-wait-" a jumble of words fell from my lips. Finally remembering protocol, I managed to say "Please sit."
"So..." I toyed with a lacy edge of my gown.
"We met in Carolina, right?"
Greyson nodded his head vigorously. I thanked him and soon enough, we were talking away like old friends. Losing track of time, a sweet maid nearby had to remind me to call on the next contestant. I nodded and watched Greyson pull out a piece of paper and scribbled a little note, pressing it into my palm before the next man came. Pleased with myself, I talked to the others as if I had a script, that's repeated over, and over, and over again, and again as I told myself, he's here! He's really here!
I finally had spoken with all of the men and waited for everyone to exit to the dining hall before pulling out his note: Can we go to the gardens? Come to my room, second floor, three to the left. Whenever.

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