OH MY GOD Chapter 4

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Oh my god you guys!!!! 1.76k reads? You guys are amazing!! I wish I could give you all a big hug! But instead I will write another chapter, also I'm sorry that I'm not on a lot, school just takes up so much of my life, anyway BACK TO THE STORY!!
Skylar's P.O.V
The morning sun shown through my thin curtains and into my face, causing me to squint my eyes. I tiredly looked around the room and practically jumped through the roof when I found Uncle Mikey, Lulu and Ash sitting on my floor with Christmas hats on.
"MERRY CHRISTMAS SKY!!" Uncle Lulu shouted before jumping on top of me. I struggled before finally poking my head out from under his heavy body.
"Luke! Your squishing her!" Ashton said before pulling him up by him collar. I giggled while blowing at the blonde hair in front of my eyes.
"Good morning!" I said cheerfully before being forcefully pulled out of my bed and down the hallway.
"Today is going to be so much fun!! First we're going to make pancakes, then we have to go shopping because I forgot to buy presents, then we can go to the arcade..." Uncle Mikey trailed off excitedly while I zoned out. I missed Daddy.

It's been so long since I've seen him physically. I'm not saying that face timing him wasn't fun, but still...
I laid my head down into Uncle Mikey's shoulder before being put onto the kitchen counter. I watched intently as my family scrambled around the kitchen while looking for ingredients for the pancakes. If daddy were here, he would point out that the pancake mix was in the top left shelf and the frying pan was in the cupboard on the bottom shelf. Seeing as my uncles were getting no where, I got up and reached for the mix and then getting the frying pan.
"Thanks." Uncle Lulu chuckled before motioning me to help him pour the batter into the bowl. And as you would expect, it did get a little messy. By the time we sat down to actually eat, we were all covered in dried egg and bits of pancake mix.
After breakfast we cleaned up the destroyed kitchen and went out (Outfit in the picture). When we had reached the mall, I took out my pair of sunglasses and stepped out of the car. The mall was huge and packed with many people.
"Woah..." I gasped at the many different decorations while Uncle Ashy, who had his hood raised, picked me up and put me onto his shoulders.
"So here's the game plan." Uncle Mikey said as she pretended to huddle.
"Since I know you guys didn't buy anything like me, we should split up. Ash, you go with Skylar and I'll go with Luke." He smiled up at me while bopping my nose. I crinkled my eyes and giggled. We broke apart and went our separate ways. Uncle Ash and I went to a lot of different shops with many different weird names. Finally, with at least 3 bags in each of our hands, we came to the food court.
"I'll call Luke and Mikey..." Uncle Ash muttered and patted my head. I looked around at all the people, mostly girls, sitting and talking. I swear I could see some starring at us and whispering and I started to panic. What if they knew who we were?
"... Mike slow down I can't understand you... What do you mean..." Uncle Ash questioned and I looked at him quizzically. Then, I heard it. It was like a stampede and we were right in the middle of it.
I turned just in time to see Uncle Lulu pick me up out of no where with everyone else behind us, including the mob of screaming fan girls.
"RUN!!" He shouted over his shoulder, though it seemed that they had no intention of stopping and being taken captive by angry hormonal girls. I covered my ears and coward into Uncle Lulu's shoulder.
"It will be okay sweetheart..." He cooed out of breath. We had finally made it into the big parking lot as a hug black van came out of no where.
The door flung open and a man with brown curly hair was standing there.
"Get in quickly!" He shouted over the noise and everyone was hoisted into the van before it sped off.
Seeing as no one was sitting, there was a lot of people falling over and I kept being shoved into the van wall. Finally, the van slowed down and I noticed 4 other people in the vehicle. Before I could see them clearly, I was brought into someone's lap. Uncle Mikey pushed my hair out of my face and touched my forehand lightly, making me wince.
"It's only a bruise, thank goodness I don't know what Calum would do to us if he found out you were really hurt." He chuckled nervously and I sighed and laid my head on his chest.
"I wanna go home." I whimpered and he stroked my back gently.
"I know baby, I know..." He whispered.

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