Chapter ⅪⅠⅠ: Blight

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Author's Note: 
Hello beautiful readers,
Wow! I can't believe I'm at 500 reads — thank you all so much!
I have a big, big, BIG outline that goes from here (I consider this the start of Book 2 for ATLA) up to Book 3, and then ideas floating for Book 3. I'm sorry it has been sad, but I hope it was a nice sad.
I don't think Zuko deserves 'happy' yet. He is mean to Nala in his inner monologue, almost condescending at times, and selfish and head strong. Not to mention his temper needs to cool.
As for Nala, I think she needs to grow more, too. She is closed off.

Which is why I'm so very excited for this next part and to introduce you to some new people!
Let's have some fun!

I'll try to get as much out as possible for quarantines so we have lots to read ad write.
Thank you so, so much for reading. ♥ And all the nice feedback!

Take care, stay healthy, drink water!
— Heather Carnelian


"I need a way on to Zhao's ship, Uncle." Zuko was insisting. Iroh was apprehensive, stroking his whiskers in thought. He knew that once his nephew had it in his head, he was not easily persuaded out of the venture. He'd hoped, even a faint hope, that Zuko might find enough comfort in this companion of his and perhaps give up his fruitless pursuit. But judging by the drawn distance between him and the girl today, that was not going to happen.

Nala, meanwhile, had had quite enough of Zuko's half-baked planning. He kept demanding to become a stowaway aboard the ship of the man who'd just tried to have him killed, as they'd surmised. Zuko had tried to reassure her that it was because Zhao would try to take the Avatar, and he needed to gallantly charge in and stop him. Foolhardy courage is what Nala thought of it, and she aptly told him so, to no avail.

As Zuko and Iroh deliberated over the decision, Nala had begun to pack her things. This made Zuko nervous. He couldn't help his eyes flicking to her every so often, hoping she'd turn around and say she'd join him. He didn't know what he'd do about the lie he'd told her ... how she'd take knowing he intended to capture the Avatar himself, not simply rescue him. He felt the grotesque feeling of guilt grip him as she struggled to tie a pack to her eelhound.

"Nala ..." He had cut his Uncle off mid-conversation to eye her with pity. "Your shoulder."

She ignored him. In fact, she seemed even more determined to bite through the pain. His brow furrowed at her efforts. Even as she had to visibly grit her teeth to bear the pain, she kept forcing herself to do so, and it made him sad. She'd had practise. She was so incredibly obstinate, and it made him irate, but he also found he admired her very much for her mettle. His stomach sank as she mounted the eelhound and took a sidelong glance at Iroh.

"Thank you for your help, Sir." She said.

Zuko went to stand, to went interject and demand he stay to at least heal. But instead, he felt a vine gnarling in his stomach, wrapping around his voice and dragging it into the cavernous depths of rage. He felt contempt for her that cloaked his sadness like a pauper at a masked ball.


Nala rode hard, feeling a heat rise in her cheeks and a sweat forming beads upon her brow. Her injuries sang, a choir of agony that she drowned out through her will. She felt shivers roll up and down her spine, and a tremour grip her arms, causing her fingers to slack on the reigns. The world seemed to swirl, but she forced herself to stay upright as she rode for the nearest town. Darkness closed in and she felt herself falling far and surrendering to the starry blackness filling her vision. She never felt herself hit the ground.

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