Chapter 5: Loneliness

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Andy povs

When Rye said that in front of the whole class, I look at him with angry eyes. I know it won't change anything because it's already done but I can't do otherwise. I'm really angry at him.

He thinks he can kiss me and say he wants to do unholy things to me and then just shout it at the class like it was another kiss, another one without any importance. I'm hurt because it wasn't just another one for me...

The class passes by slowly, always getting short eyes contacts with Rye before I look away, him continuously looking at me. I don't know what he's trying to do, but it won't work. Yes, that's it, I'm hurt by his behavior. Maybe I seem to be overreacting, but it was my first kiss. Well, expect the few ones that I got playing at the bottle when I was 12 years old before I became one of the people on the school losers' list.

It was my first real kiss. Well that's what I thought though.

I finally ask the teacher if I can go to the bathroom, the constant glances from Rye suddendly suddendly feeling too much. My heart can't take it anymore. She agrees, at the condition that I come back fast. That's not what I'm gonna do, but oh well....

I instead head to my locker, packing my bag. I know that I've told Rye that I didn't want to skip school, but I don't care anymore.

Damn I forgot my things in class! Oh you know what? Fuck it! I hurry to the exit door before somebody notices that I'm not back in class. Not that anyone cares about me...

I walk to the park and sit by my favourite tree. It's a big one, really high and huge enough to not let most of the rain reach me. Because yes, it rains, not like my problems aren't enough like that... I always come here when something (or someone) is bothering me, which happens really often unfortunately. It's not rare that I feel captivate of my own life, and that a special someone needs to come and save me. For a few minutes, during the kiss, I thought it was Rye, but I was wrong. I'm sure he isn't even worried right now. Maybe I read too much. Maybe I'm not meant for love. Maybe everyone will just look at me with disgust until I die. Maybe I'm not meant to live a happy life. Maybe...

My thoughts flow to Rye and my sobs become uncontrolable. I wish he was here with me right now, I wish I wasn't alone, just this time, because I know that I'll be for the rest of my life.

I get distracted by the annoying "peeeeemp" of my phone. I haven't realise it's now dark outside. I start walking, taking my phone out of my pocket.

Unknown number

Andy? It's Rye. I'm sorry for what I said. Where are u? I wanna see you. Please answer x


Hum hey. I'm actually at a park, crying, like I always do. Why?


Which one?


The one near the school. Why?



Wait... what? He's coming? I mentally facepalm myself. Maybe it's not even Rye, maybe it's some bully from school coming here to kill me.

I slowly sit down on the ground, crying my eyes out and waiting for my life to end, like I've done multiple times. But today, I won't go home. I will die here, all alone, and it will be the best for everyone...

Hello guys! Sorry for the sad chapter! Hope everyone's safe these days! Love you and my dms are always open xx

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